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I began to swing guild of thieves about 6 levels. When became 7 levels, caravans have increased almost in 3 times when at me has increased armies of all on 25 %. To me that, now all should be merged 7 level, and then at 8 level too to merge? What for nonsenses?
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I've started thieving on lvl 6. When I became lvl 7, caravans have tripled their strength and my army's stgength has grown only for 25%. So, now I must loose them on lvl 7, then on lvl 8... It's nonsense!
What anwser do you expect to hear? Admins decided so. Noone said that TG would be an easy guild.
I am not sure I understand you... But simply usually you have to lose about 3-5 times on these low levels when you lvl up and you don't change your faction and when the last attemp of that particular caravan type you lose or you were near the lose... But usually between lvl 6 and 7 or 7-8 you don't have to lose so much because your army's strenght increases enought too (as well as caravans strenght).
And I am sure it isn't 3 times harder now :p I am thief from lvl 6 too and I record all my losses and winning of all caravan types in excel and I see how it increases...
TG isnt easy task, you should be glad that you were elf.

you still can deliver some damage, earn some exp and fsp before you lose.

knight and demon at level 6 were having even harder time with TG.
Here examples of caravans: 6LVLhttps://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php? lt =-1&warid=32653489
7LVL:https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php? lt =-1&warid=32656848
I apologize for incorrect references, here the correct.
Last on 6 LVL:https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php? lt =-1&warid=32653489
The first on 7 LVL:https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php? lt =-1&warid=32656848
So last attemp on lvl 6 u won so in the next attemp (lvl 7) the power of that caravans should be increased by roughly 25% and it can be, so..? I don't see any problem with it, few losses and it will be ok... Or use better talents and you can win earlier (battle fury could be better)
closed by Gernov (2011-11-14 21:39:29)
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