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Author[Lease][Might shop arts from lvl5 to lvl7 and other]
I.You can rent standard artifact for 7th lvl:
1) Sword of might: 200 gold for 1 battle.
2) Steel helmet: 84 gold for 1 battle.
3) Pendant of despair: 182 gold for 1 battle.
4) Steel cuirass: 102 gold for 1 battle.
5) Cape of winds: 78 gold for 1 battle.
5) Longbow: 186 gold for 1 battle.
6) Dragon shield: 206 gold for 1 battle.
7) Steel boots: 134 gold for 1 battle.
8) Ring of abdication: 216 gold for 1 battle.
9) Ring of abdication: 216 gold for 1 battle.

II.You can rent standard artifact for 5th lvl:
1) Sword of retribution: 102 gold for 1 battle.
2) Chain helmet: 60 gold for 1 battle.
3) Amulet of luck: 59 gold for 1 battle.
3) Medal of bravery: 45 gold for 1 battle.
4) Hauberk: 94 gold for 1 battle.
5) Defender shield: 45 gold for 1 battle.
6) Galoshes of battle: 43 gold for 1 battle.
7) Ring of inspiration: 141 gold for 1 battle.
8) Ring of inspiration: 141 gold for 1 battle.

III. Special for buyers:
If you want to lease artifact, but I have no it, you can ask me and special for you I will buy it.

IV.For Master Hunter artifact price is changable

V.If you want to make another price write me in PM.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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