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and 4) Got nice winnings on roulette NOT !! :D

but how come he doesn't even have a UCI...

Hm, she created 10 (!) military clans, bought a lot of enchanted sets with total cost over9k and etc.

Also don't forget about this one:
ive spent about 100 diamonds :P and im 14 :P

I coulda saved up for tgi also...
well donate in .ru is not the same as donate in .com.

I mean in .ru obviously you get a real service provided by this server and admin team so why not encouraging the game but with .com...

.ru is just like paying the taxi driver for the course which is fine.
.com is just like paying the taxi driver because the engine is running even if he's sleeping in the cab (and thus you go nowhere)
.ru is just like paying the taxi driver for the course which is fine.
.com is just like paying the taxi driver because the engine is running even if he's sleeping in the cab (and thus you go nowhere)

WOW, thats realy a nice example!!! -and true :(
No one force you to stay in this cab, you can change it if you dislike it or "not enough" speed for you!

I will just suggest you to keep your point of view "personal"!
.ru is just like paying the taxi driver for the course which is fine.
.com is just like paying the taxi driver because the engine is running even if he's sleeping in the cab (and thus you go nowhere)

just awesome :)
Stay in topic please or i will go with delete and ban, last warning!
I will just suggest you to keep your point of view "personal"!

what means UCI?

2)http://www.heroeswm.ru/pl_info.php?id=75997-just over 2k diamonds.

My clanmate , still owes me 100k or so
anyone that buys that many diamonds on this game needs to see a phycotrist,as they have serious problems
anyone that buys that many diamonds on this game needs to see a phycotrist,as they have serious problems

Really? What's a phycotrist?

You must be one of the reasons the admins don't put in much effort in this server. Why would they, if everyone is so cheap?

Even if the admins stop doing any more update to this server, this game is still very good and worth many diamond donations. I've played some other online games where I had to pay, and guess what, they're nowhere worth the money I paid.

But we digress. I just had to get that off my chest. Sorry, Patrickou.
what means UCI?

unique character image, check Arctic, Alyna and BoJIoD9I

it's weird that someone have bought over 20K diamonds but doesn't want to spend another 1K to buy a really, really cool image like this

anyone that buys that many diamonds on this game needs to see a phycotrist,as they have serious problems

Some people put effort in creating games like this, and every labor should be paid. You are either jealous or have not earned a cent in your life that's why you mind like this.
it's weird that someone have bought over 20K diamonds but doesn't want to spend another 1K to buy a really, really cool image like this

And a bonus parameter !! (that's the most important part ;))
why do u even want to know
why do u care
do u want to break their record
No one force you to stay in this cab, you can change it if you dislike it or "not enough" speed for you!

I will just suggest you to keep your point of view "personal"!

Is that personal feeling to say that .ru is far more active than .com and that admin are managing the .ru server with a higher priority and regularity?

You want another of my personnal feeling?
Deleting a post, warning players and suggesting me to leave the server or taunting me won't make the .com server better.

El-Sheighul, ex legionnaire
#38 Speaking about Ru server in Q&h forum is pointless, you can go on the Everything about Ru or create a new thread in off game from! I still remind the local rules not your mood or way of being!

I m not that kind of player abusing "my small power" to delete or ban you, just i try to stay all players in topic, nothing else! I respect all players but their feelings are useless in this topic!

So i remind the Header : Top Donaters list (of course COM server)
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
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