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AuthorMemorial Stones (To those good men we lost along the years)
Its easy, all you have to do is name the person(s) that you miss as moderators

Lets remeber this thread is for moderators

articdom ... for turning this game into a real-life casino and then getting blocked instantly without mercy for some panic-made illegal acts.

1. He is not a moderator

2. Turning the game into RL casino is not something to be proud of, it is probably what drove him and many others to become cheaters

3. He was a cheater. Panic is no excuse
2-14-11 11:39: Player blocked. // extrachars. articdom [8], MakedShadow [4], Plutarque [4], Patience [3], Lucy-Fer [3], Lance_l_eau [3], BrickWall [4], Obiously [2], ThePacifist [1], RichByStatutQuo [1]

Bottom line this is not the place to remember him besides great moderators
I miss Gurumao and MoonVampire .. :)
Kiaune, when I started to play I always enjoy to see his battle...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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