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Authornecromancer talent undead leigeman
This talent says +1 knowledge and increases necromancy skill by 5%.
What exactly does this mean? raise dead spell effect increased by 5% or something else?
Uhm something about being able to recruit more skeletons from your reserve


Get more skeletons after winning a combat.
if i remember right, it means that the no. of skeletons that a necro can bring into battle will be increased by 5%

Ty for your posts, but are there any high level necros who have tried this talent that want to help me wit this?
try it if you want you can reset just select it then see if you can get more skeletons but if you look here: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=38
you will see there racial ability is "Necromancy" so i would go with you can bring more in
The reason Im asking is because my multi is lvl 10 and doesnt have the neccesary talent points to get that talent, I just want to know what it does... that talent costs 54 talent points to get, lv 10's only have 35..... no way I can get it..
closed by slayerofall (2012-01-08 06:33:34)
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