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Author | mercenary mage |
hi i am a lv 3 elf and in a tournament there is 1 wave in wich 8 merc mage (2 from all sides come) they each have 30 hp, that is 2 of them hav 60 hp and they use lightning spell wich does 34 damage to my 10 elven bowmen...watever i do they always hit elven bowmen first and even if i start first i only manage to kill 2-4 of them outta 8 b4 they strike my bowmen...and almost 7-8 bowmen die in their short attack..they cant even be blocked..
so please can any experience player tell me how to tackle them with 10 bowmen 20 fkand 3 fairies....or how can i divert their attention to fairies | u cannot divert thier attention 2 fairies
u can kill them will luck and first chance
all troops atk 1
like elven bowmen kill 1 mage and fairies + fks and hero kill 1
te more u reduce the less damage will hey do :) | you miss some points:
- you have to know that ST is favor on certain factions. in general, faction with fast, no retal unit has the advantage.
- range unit will never be your 1st priority to protect. they will always be 1st priority to be killed and run out of ammo when you arrive certain level.
- it is ST, you will lose once you reach certain level definitely.
- your luck factor still pray important role. some burst action, luck befall, max dmg output will help you to do the job better |
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