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AuthorMore HG points in hunt assist
i think that at least .5 HG points should be given when we assist somebody in hunt than giving 0.1(most of us don't know that only .1 hg point is given after a successful hunt to assistant!)
may be that is why people do not join hunts
I would go for 0.3 HG points 0.5 are little overhyped but still 0.1 are very less
0.1 is really low, especially cause:
you share exp
you share FSPs
you still need min AP arts with you

so yeah, i agree, we should increase HGP on assists (at least a bit more than lousy 0.1)
may be that is why people do not join hunts

well, i did. it doesnt mean no one want to join WHEN you dont even join :)
(most of us don't know that only .1 hg point is given after a successful hunt to assistant!) may be that is why people do not join hunts

most of player don't know that hunt assist is a source of 'unlimited' and 'free' hg points. may be that is why people do not join hunts.

there will be one time when doing 10 hunt assist is cheaper than do 1 solo hunt with lot of arts.
+1 nice idea :)
most of player don't know that hunt assist is a source of 'unlimited' and 'free' hg points. may be that is why people do not join hunts.

it may be a source for HGP, but it certainly isn't free ...
it may be a source for HGP, but it certainly isn't free ...

yes, not 100% free. that why i write 'free', not free. in higher level, a min art hunt assist can be funded by selling dropped art. if you can sell art for 5000 and your min ap cost is 100, then your 50 min-art-hunt-assist will be 'free'.
there will be one time when doing 10 hunt assist is cheaper than do 1 solo hunt with lot of arts.

agree with this.

Also another reason is that doing hunt assists usually gives very poor fsp to exp ratio.
i think that at least .5 HG points should be given when we assist somebody in hunt than giving 0.1(most of us don't know that only .1 hg point is given after a successful hunt to assistant!)
may be that is why people do not join hunts

No. This can be easily abused and I (or someone else) will abuse this feature when it gets implemented. I can turn this into an unlimited source of HG points if I can get a bunch of people to cooperate with me. Current system is perfect.

I would go for 0.3 HG points 0.5 are little overhyped but still 0.1 are very less
It doesn't matter what level you are in, hunt assist will always give better FSP/XP or HG/XP ratio than when you get to the next higher levels. Hell, hunt assists now may even give better stats than solo hunts two or more levels up. This is why I always help out when I'm absolutely certain that I can win.

it may be a source for HGP, but it certainly isn't free ...
It is free, in a sense. You gain HG points without using your own hunt reserves.
8. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions of changing the experience/skill points award formulas.
closed by Yuri_Gagarin (2012-01-18 13:02:37)
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