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AuthorAll about Elves faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Hi <--level 7 finally :D
btw which talents i should keep battle fury or adv fortune with my current recruiting 40-1-23-12
or go with forest keepers? 3-40-21-9
Since you don't have much magic spells you should only keep 20 mana for wasp swarm and increase your attack parameters. For pvp rain of arrows is good but for hunts basic fortune is a better choice.
Go with luck, battle fury makes sense in ST and hunts in which you use sprites and sometimes in pvp. For recruiting max bows, then fk, then uni and at last druids.
ofc you can adjust uni and fk recruit.
dual lvl 7 i use max spirits and battle fury works awsome for me and help in hunt i suggest use it
Is it good to use fk or sprites in pvp?I had an advice from someone that fk is good . why is that ?? thx :)
In pvp I always used forest keepers, because they are much tougher then the sprites. the sprites usually get killed before they can deal good damage.
if you know how to play spirits i use them and they never let me up i lose only in team battles never 1vs 1 when someone in my team is afk or playing with noobs
thx for the advice guys :)

here is good battle against a necro where I used bf as lv 7 elf :)
All level 7 i was with battle furry and sprites. Works great in both hunting and PVP.
All level 7 i was with battle furry and sprites. Works great in both hunting and PVP. true..
but for PvP use fk, since sprites will die first if your opponent was a prof.. if your opponent was noob he will concentrate on elven bowman
slayerofall yeah you diden,t play min ap and you play rly bad i pwn necro with half art with min ap just put vamps as favorite and stoneskin you don,t need thing is druids lighting one time skeletons and you shoot then you will lose few archers with spirits move so no one can,t reach you but attack ghost and vamp if can if can,t just vamp and before hero turn just lighting ghosts with rest and shoot vamp thata short how to beat him....
sry for double post but trust me just use min ap save money and play rly well if you have fks your archers will die fast and thats rly bad if spirits yes they will die MAYBE but your archer will survive... and you can use them for wasp swamp if enemy is not comeing so you have 3 shooters. thats from me.

PS:Sry for bad english in both posts
At lvl 7 i used bf in pvp while luck in hunts.
Nice u used wasp swarm against necro.
*if u know what i mean*
Nice u used wasp swarm against necro.
i like it too and cast confusion against necro awesome effect :P lol
wasp Swarm, confusion, poison, puppet master, blind, frenezy... All necros are very scared about these skills, if you use against they, will win the game instantly!
yup .. those are very effective ... lol
wasp Swarm, confusion, poison, puppet master, blind, frenezy... All necros are very scared about these skills, if you use against they, will win the game instantly!
Ofc because seeing all these the necro hero dies instantly and the necro army becomes AI and as we all know that AI ain't smart enough. So it becomes easy to win the battle :P
@199 lolol
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