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Author30 seconds buffer for selling resources..
suppose the facility is lacking gold..
n then some one buys something so the facility will have money
my idea is that the no resources must brought by the facilities for 30 seconds even if its badly required

1)less server load as there are ppl who refresh like anything
if this is made available refreshing won't be helpful
2)u will get to enroll after u buy steel nickel or artifacts

its impossible to buy steel from GC n enroll
some ppl refresh there almost every .5 seconds
i don't think it has a good effect on the server
this idea may be badly abused but i still need ur suggestions on it... as just 1-2 gold profit they refresh like anything...
I wholeheartedly support that idea. For both reasons - reducing the server load and being finally able to enroll after you bought that goddamn steel.
Aren't you just delaying the whole problem for 30 seconds then?

If a facility gets the gold after you buy what it produces, that doesn't automatically mean you can enroll. Facilities also need resources in order to produce. So if no resources can be sold to facilities for 30 seconds, this could lead to not being able to enroll for 30 seconds (not always, but it could happen).
this is not a problem.
copy code for enrolling from some mine. buy steel/nikel then paste code and press enroll.
and ppl can't refreshing every 0.5 sec. some players use scripts for selling resourses - admins must blocking them. but we have no admins :)
Have you ever wondered why employment is generated in machining and production coz the merchants invest in them to make profit and NOT to generate employment for freeloaders.Altough,job vacancies are created anyhow so I guess being thankful would be the right gesture
I often buy steel or nickel to sell my wood, ore, mercury.

When I buy steel for example, I then have a window of a few seconds when I am likely to sell my ore and my wood instead of someone else.

On the other hand if there is a 30 second delay, I would buy steel, then 5 other people would see that the facility has money and would camp it to sell their ore and wood. This would discourage players like me from exchanging resources. I think the only thing you'd accomplish is to upset people and slow down the economy.
reducing the server load
I believe it will increase the server load. People will bunch up and refresh their pages for 30 seconds trying to sell resources.
being finally able to enroll after you bought that goddamn steel.
Again I doubt that's what would happen. In fact I think all facilities would run low on resources because employment would drain resources faster then resources are sold to the facility. So, what would happen is you buy steel, you can't enroll because it doesn't have wood and ore. Then you wait 30 seconds to sell some, except someone else beats you to it anyway and sells wood. So, you buy again, hoping to sell some ore this time, expect again 30 seconds later someone sells wood. So, you curse a few times and enroll into a crystal mine. I believe this is the more likely outcome of the proposed change.
I wholeheartedly support that idea. For both reasons - reducing the server load and being finally able to enroll after you bought that goddamn steel.

I agree with this idea. I would even take it one step further. I would make a full minute to allow people to enroll.
-1 go to another location and you will be able to enroll.
don't worry buddy, anything productive u post will not be taken into consideration... :) this game is kinda lyk a dead server now... see my earlier post(does anyone remember masterTI?) on the general game forum...
for deathhunter18:
I do and many more I don't give a damn updates are coming are not or players a leaving blah blah until I'm having fun I guess there is logic for playing this game

for deathhunter18:
I do and many more, I don't give a damn updates are coming or not, or players are leaving, blah blahblah, until I'm having fun ,I guess there is logic for playing this game.
for blazingarpit: +1
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