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AuthorFaction Battles
I felt like doing something on LWM for once in like a year so i'll post this again. Faction battles.

This is where only one faction are able to create one team. In each battlefield there will be some sort of boost such as + defense against fire attacks etc. This will even out the unfairness of the faction's abilities and such. Some might contain extra troops, others a minefield or such.

Optionally you could just have a fortress in which you battle from like in Heroes, where one team will be behind a wall. Also each team, or clan for this sake will have a camp out which they must protect holding some sort of item, Gold mine, Rare artifact etc.

I think this will create a more fun environment and an exciting way to play LWM again. I got bored so i posted this what do you think?
U are talking abt capture the forestress like battle ?
I've liked of the idea, but, the problem is, will there enough players for it?
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