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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

Authorsplit save
what about when you split your troops you can save it as you split every fight you just place them in battlefield that better then spliting all the time :))
That's the reason I dont like playing with elves and wizards :P. Too much splitting to do
but it's not like we're gonna get it anytime soon... or anytime at all
lol we suggesting all the time and we not getting anything atleast they must tell us if they wil think about it or they will do it or even they won't do it so we dunn waste our time suggesting i'm not sure admins reading our sugestions anyway
i'm not sure admins reading our sugestions anyway
atleast they must tell us if they wil think about it

they did.


This list does not feature denied suggestions. The Administration took them to consideration, so posting them again is forbidden.

38. Allow presets for pre-combat settlement.

we dunn waste our time suggesting

you just did. ;)
hehehe i admit you beat me with that :P but i was talking not about just this i'm talking about all suggestions like how make us sure admins reading what we saying and if they will do or not :P
yeah, I agree...

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