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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
glad someone from the old times is back :D
i and baweja (now lord kd) were starting to feel quite old with the newbies :P
Goku,qio,survive,horsy...all of them quit :O?
kinda :'(
goku was the last to go :(
back from school :\
I went late and they sent me back home...
that sound terrible :/
sounds* .__.
Lol Optimus haha :D. I go late every single day ^_^
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-04-22 11:28:41 // FR#1.7//Add. characters aren't allowed to post in main forums
^ Oops. I posted with my alt. Sorry ;3
same with the late thingy :P but never got expelled ._.
Staying Alive'.
From how much time you guys are flooding ? :P
Which faction should i choose next?
From how much years are you guys are flooding ? :P
For 4 years or something :3

Mercenaries' guild: 3 (463) +137

Only 1 moonstone :'(
Armorer: 3 (104) +51
Mercenaries' guild: 3 (490) +110

5 moonstones so far :P
5 moonstones so far :P

That that's what i am jealous of :\
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