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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
i knew that already :P
hi piyush

Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2015-05-04 16:18:40 // Long String Violation
long time no *c*

comeon..i thought long string violation was imposed when a *character* was repeated more than thrice successively ..:(

anyways..taking note from now on..))
just realized

the guy playing guitar in charlie sheen's roast was SLASH.!

that guy has got magical hands!

royal griffins diving on their ally..:P
Hello everyone.
I thought longstring violation is when you use 4 letters continuously
yes you are correct Wonderla
Geez don't interpret it literally and besides it sure is annoying to look at so many a's and b's (no offence)..
I thought longstring violation is when you use 4 letters continuously

Yeah sure, just keep typing hundreds or even thousands of letters without repeating it 4 times in a row. How convenient :D
Hey stupefy ! Good to hear
Yeah sure, just keep typing hundreds or even thousands of letters without repeating it 4 times in a row. How convenient :D


but that was intended for a joke..
so as to be followed by long time no *c*..:P
i like the song cant believe it by florida

what a topic to make a song on..:P
Maybe this rule was more applicable than its sub rule:-
4.2. It is forbidden to post messages preventing the users from comfortable reading the content. As an example, posting messages with an extremely large amount of characters without spaces will result in warping the forum structure and hence is prohibited.
for Wonderla:

listen to me carefully..

No matter how long the string is whenever it wont reach between two points it is only ever short at one end!
Haha ! They wont just let it go :P
event on toes..JEE on head..x_X
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