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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
how about we flood.. for a change now :/
first post on page 2020 should be mine :|
for Wonderla:
he seem to have posted on this page,i think..(got no specs btw)
so he MIGHT have read those posts that atleast i find offending(especially that beiber thing)

and if u notice i've been talking with ease with u guys,and it's just u two being offensive so obviously the problem is with u ppl
no matter what i say ,a next post will come with more offensivenes so i guess there's no way making u understand..-_-
been to youtube and didn't see the topic's been changed..:P
*takes out the phoenix wand*


(no shield can guard anyone from a spell that powerful,not even Aeigis)
status: Incredible! You surprised us with your possibilities, keep it up and you will become the best!

You receive 139 gold
no element?
u gotta be kidding me x_X
You definitely receive those more than me I got them least
No self control huh.
Well its fine for op.
I do create lots of problems for him.

Ihave no idea what is wonderla's problem.

Aphiotic shield..
I may be no pro but abbadon? worst support/semicarry
i seem to have looted GH sword in some hunt..i dont remember..
I may be no pro but abbadon? worst support/semicarry
you sure??
go for full tank build and the sky is all yours..
please dont make remarks like this is you are not a hardcore support
Abbadon is one of too annoying heroes
Once even little fat its just annoying
4 elements drop out of 5 quest

admins increase the drop rate??
Mine good are Riki (People say noob hero but do requires skills)
Pudge ( :D )
Sniper (Always Different Build :P)
My op pinion. That's all.
Hate playing as Riki pudge or sniper.
They require skill??

Favs: axe, Legion, Lancer, blood, bounty hunter
I never play support. Never.
there's no way making u understand
Exactly like I don't understand physics:P
That's because you is dumb.
I really am in physics
Ihave no idea what is wonderla's problem.
Think again.

Anyways ignored
I can play good axe blood and bounty ofc
And I do play Mirana awesome :) awesome arrows :)

Riki requires skills
Sniper requires little more skills
And Pudge really does not requiers skills ? lol
Hate playing as Riki pudge or sniper.
They require skill??

riki and sniper are really hard hero.. they require a lot of experience and intuition to be able to scale into late game. and also critical thinking and constant map awareness

pudge no skill is early gg call
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