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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
2 weeks is not so long compared with months of ambushing. You should get some nice arts out of it all though ... and a major cash injection when you hit TG:5 ;]
Did I see someone lurking in the corner over there?
my mistake, it is just a chest of abundance. I wonder what or who is in it?
mmm, inside the chest all I found was this sack. Unfortunately it is securely closed with a large chain and I don't know where the key is?? ;s
so basically this a a topic to spam to your heeart's content :D
in reply to 41882: i think coolahed or vepacha, secretly stealing all the gold from the roulette vault.
in reply to 41889: no, ethereality cant play cuz he lives in jupiter and internet connection is very bad there from what i heard.
lets do some basic math for time pass.
if a + 1/a = 4
what is a^2 + 1/a^2?
good luck with it guys :)
PS: calculators of any sort not required.
I don't think there is gold in the sack. It feels like a body *gulp* what if it is ethereality?

and do you not have a reply to #41892? I would have thoughr it was right in your area of expertise?
the answer to #41887 is https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2326538
maybe you can harvest his skeleton and add it to ur collection xD
I already have thousands of skeletons. Anyway I am not so sure that the body is dead yet.

Still no key, wonder if I can get it/him/her out with C4?
Look like our mod are free to spam here.
Come on guys, give them some jobs to do :P

Ok i Apologize, it's my misstake, i do check his combat but did not noticed no critical damage done :/
Well I just thought I would let you know the C4 worked, yay!

At least it opened the sack but there was an unfortunate side effects. The sack, chain and lock are no longer a problem but I seem to have misplaced the body that was inside it.


#41892 : Really? Just tell me who and where and I will investigate ;]
Why did DiN get diamonds from admin? :3
I have helped out admins in various ways over the years, i.e. #7591 LWM - Juries clan, forum mod (twice), chat mod, translating, etc.


While typing this I notice something in the corner. What could it be?
was that for me?
dont worry about that bro i dont mind ;)
i may be just a lev 10 but i have played for a LONG time :D
While typing this I notice something in the corner. What could it be?
a cat xD *meow*
I love diamonds^^ (in this game)
i wonder who we pay to do the constructions, maybe the empire? maybe the total internal reflection of the diamonds confuses her of our combat level and she gives us castles constructions :D
no, it's not a cat, it is another chest of abundance! Who keep leaving these abandoned in our forums? Will this one be easier to open and where did that body from the last one get to? Has anyone seen it?
come one open it :D u might find a rare art ^^
ah i just saw Alyna gating that body to hell, maybe u should go there to check for it xDDD
it is locked
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