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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
I need to enroll
oh yeah the tradition :P

CG duel wins:33/50
Luck did the work...
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-04-08 16:16:21 // FR#1.7// (warning)
I want to be a higher lvl but it takes to long
Sorry for the post by multi.. :p

Filo... Tourney does a lot of good for it.... xD
Hahaha yeah it does, maybe i should do a few, but i like my combat ratio :P
Oh well i'll start... hopefully
CG duel wins:34/51.

Necros are..um. they make me happy :P
and what makes me sick is when i miss 3x3 QT by seconds..x_X
on for a 2x2 CG btw..B|
i guess i'll lose..

tribal on my side vs knight and necro.
lets get this party started.. 15000 here I come :-p

*confident smile*
for Stupefy:
do ST you'll be lvl 10 in a jiffy :p
for blazingarpit:

Necros are..um. they make me happy :P

no offense,but the reason why you won was that the guy had basic darkness,if he was expert dark debuff,you would have been dead (maybe)
for Stupefy:
had fun ? XD
for Loafoant:
what do u think..

i would have had chance ..if that knight didn't have 60+ defence on his troops...:(

and not the forget the necro..____

overall..i was thrashed
for Stupefy:
yeah combination was wrong,if you had DE or elf you could have won
easily..imagine barb + tribal..

my goals as of now (priority in descending order)

-get 15000 post
-get gold for lvl 8 elf and tribal faction
-get tribal fsl 5
-get LG 5 or 6
-get full art
-get tribal and elf fsl 6
-get TGI
-get multi 1 : loafoant65 to lvl 6 with 50K+ gold
-get multi 2 : Aulisius L to lvl 6 with 1 mil (!) gold.
that is very looo(x100)ng list
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