Author | hit points |
i was watching a fight with stonegnawers
and i noticed that the hit points of the creature they went back up ??
he was almost killed at 8 out of 55 and then he went back up to 48 out of 55 ??
i seen that before and i dont undertand how he does it
does he heal?? |
stonegnawers ? Battle Link ? |
its the snonegnawer that the DE is hitting a lot the one in front of him |
Hit points is the "life" of a creature
however in that battle has more than 1 creature in each stack
so let's say you are hunting 100 stonegnawers, each of them have 55hp
and they are split in 5 stacks of 20
each stack has 1100 HP not 55 |
:) well Nanda is correct.. |
he was almost killed at 8 out of 55 and then he went back up to 48 out of 55 ??
That HP refers to the first monster in the "stack". Stack means a set with the special virtual form of one on another. When you hit a stack, you hit the first on it, not everyone at the same time. So, lets say you are about to attack a stack of 10 stonegnawers and you see their HP is 48/55 and you attack. Then lets say you deal 200 damage to them, so what happens is this :
200-48 = 152, so you killed the first guy with 48 HP and you got 152 damage more, so :
152-55 (the next guy has full HP) = 97, so you killed the second guy (who had full HP) and you got 97 damage left :
97-55 = 42, you kill the third guy and you got 42 damage left :
42-55 = -13, your damage is not enough to kill the fourth guy, so you kill only 42/55 and the fourth guy now has only 13 HP left and he is now first in stack.
Overal :
You hit stonegnawers, deal 200 damage, 3 stonegnawers perish, if you mouseover the stack you'll see 13 HP.
All the stonegnawers except the first have full HP (always), which is 55/55, and the first stonegnawer has as much HP as you see when you mouseover the stack.
And, this is common battle rule, it works on all creatures, not only stonegnawers. |
theres like a whole bunch of little stonegnawers inside the big one O.o
and i have to kill all the little ones for the big one to fall ^^
so i have to count the number that know how much of life he has left
so when i saw 8 of 55 and his number was 16 that means um
15 x 55= 825 + 8 = 833 life left ^^
wow way more than 8
thx for explaining ^^ |
simple maths ) |
theres like a whole bunch of little stonegnawers inside the big one
Exactly, imagine that one stonegnawer you see is an army of stonegnawers. I guess it's just hard to represent them altogether, so they are managed as stacks, just like in HOMAM |
imagine is they drew all teh little stonegnawers comming at us like ants ^^
ewww creepy
i think i'dd run and hide if i saw that ^^ |