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about 4 months ago i had a look at Baweja's profile and

i found a mention that japna and spartn were his additional characters

i dont want to sound framing or getting at him but my question is did any one else see this?

(This is an honest question {no sarcasm meant[no offences meant ]})
no because spartn is also in A&D militry clan and additional cant join militry clan and i never saw that these are his additional characters
well i see

it maybe possible but i am pretty sure i saw that

maybe i am wrong but let me wait just in case
i found a mention that japna and spartn were his additional characters

i dont want to sound framing or getting at him but my question is did any one else see this?

Better clarify the facts kid

Japna and sparatn are my sister's charachter
Her prev charachter was Japna
She abandoned it and created sparatn

U can check the IP
She lives in SOuth india and keeps traveling 2 banglore and chennai for her studies
while me and my brother live in North India
hey yeah why did i not think of you you are his brother you clarify this much better thank you fo that

well i guess you may be right but let me hear from other ppl just incase cuz i am pretty sure about what i saw
Another jealous and vengeful player on the server
[Player banned by moderator DragonEater until 2012-04-14 07:33:45 // flaming]
# is irrelavent
U cud have cleared it with my bro instead of going 2 public forums

Another jealous and vengeful player on the server,
sorry for double post but i meant #7
Another jealous and vengeful player on the server,

i dont get this

whadda ya mean man!

people these days cant ask simple questions i better lock this before it goes a war here

Question NOT answered but thread closed due to the stregnth of family ties being greater than suspicion
closed by Igles (2012-04-14 10:42:21)
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