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AuthorBrilliant Unicorns
I am asking this question again, for the last time I guess.
So here are my calculations :
Till I reach TG 5, I wold have about 250k (Enroll + Referral)
Then the Thief Art - assuming 50k - 300k.
Then TGI - 1100k
Total - 1400000

Should I spend 600k on Brilliant Unis?
I'll still have 800k...With which I can buy full arts.

Please help.

I will do ONLY CG in CL 13.
If you plan to do only CG it's probably worth getting Brilliant Unicorns.
Should I spend 600k on Brilliant Unis?
it`s up to you.
I believe there are some people who hate people with DU.
So If there is one in my team...And he decides to lose intentionally..or my opponents...Can I report them?

And can anyone report me for using DU in CG?
I mean it's 100% legal right?
I mean it's 100% legal right?

Yes, why should it be illegal?

Can I report them?

Yes, you can.
It's totally worth it getting unicorns in 13 for CG, you'll make an excellent character build that way. If someone loses intentionally you are free to report them, though you won't find anyone who'll do it at 13, people at 13 know how to value their efforts. If you join with someone else in your team he'll probably send you gifts instead of hate, as for your enemies they'll curse you behind the screen, but will still type "GG" at the end of the combat.

it's 100% legalq
imo, it s totally worth all DU for most Factions.

As example Demon is having mistresses on level 11 with DU and Nightmares on level 13 with DU twice of the best Upgrade for this faction with cerberies! When i ve bought them, i was able to do things i was not with DU like Fights min AP where i was not able without DU! I ve won some ambushes and demon hunt records easyly with them!

I guess it s the same with most factions! So enjoy the DU power...
50k for a thief art?
wouldnt count on it.
The theif necklace is the only thief art you can sell for that price or more.
closed by narutoayan (2012-04-15 15:47:44)
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