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Author | battle fury or archery? |
whats a stronger talent for xbows battle fury or archery?
agent | archery | archery i think :D go for bfury <_< | k tnx :P, and im knight with my multi. and he's lvl 8 so alot range units so archery might be great for hunts :) | [Post deleted by moderator Pang // ] | xbow dmg is 2-8;
with fury, 3-9;
with bless [after round up or down], 5-8;
with basic bless [after round up or down], 6-8;
with adv bless[after round up or down], 7-8;
with expert bless [after roud up or down], 8-8;
fury if you are not using bless spells:
- it boost your min dmg output 50%, but max dmg output with 12.5%. yet, you dont wish your xbow deal too low dmg due to unstable dmg output; so applying fury is main for push up the min dmg output.
archery if you are going to use bless:
- even bless without mastery, your xbow min dmg had been boosted 150%; compare with fury built, your min dmg is 66% more than fury built. you will consider on max dmg output rather than min due to lower dmg gap after bless. so, applying archery is main for max dmg output | tnx alot! | closed by agent_004 (2012-04-29 11:00:19) |
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