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AuthorMultis + Illegal Transfers



I have posted before that he has done illegal things before such as staged combat and illegal transfer and begging.
He also has done more staged combats as well

He also loaned with his multi character (pieisawesome1)

05-19-12 21:28: Transferred 180 Gold to Behind_the_back, Commission charged: 2 : here is the loan back i coudn't get enough gold

05-19-12 21:24: Received 150 Gold 1 Ore 1 Wood from Behind_the_back : on credit

Also, he transfered from pieisawesome to pieisawesome1

05-05-12 03:16: Received item(s): 'Steel blade' [30/30] from pieisawesome
omg this is not them all the other pies and qwert are not mine jesus man i am a new palyer now i have abanded them all from today and never i promise when i get blocked i make new one's cause i love this game
i haven't recied the steel blade from him he is a total bitch i don't even know him u dick dragonblaze
i love this game so don't block me i love this game so don't block me i will never do this ever again block my other account admin but not this i beg u
i love this game i don't even play pieisawesome now cause he has -16,000g thats why i don't play it now and on the pieisawesome1 he is crap i like this account i stated a new leaf so don't block me i beg u admin
And gifts:

05-18-12 07:43: Transferred 899 Gold to THE-PIE-MANIAC, Commission charged: 9 : GIFT FOR HUNT

05-19-12 23:02: Transferred 79 Gold to THE-PIE-MANIAC, Commission charged: 1 : i like pie

Clarification on the staged Combats:

05-19-12 23:25 THE-PIE-MANIAC[3] vs pieisawesome1[3]
05-19-12 21:06 THE-PIE-MANIAC[3] vs pieisawesome1[3]
05-19-12 20:41 THE-PIE-MANIAC[3] vs pieisawesome1[3]
05-18-12 07:08 THE-PIE-MANIAC[3] vs pieisawesome1[3]
05-18-12 06:37 THE-PIE-MANIAC[3] vs pieisawesome1[3]
o.k i will fix it now o.k don't block me i will turn a new leaf and not do that thing again dragonblaze
u dick dragonblaze


He said that he didn't do illegal transfers and said that he will never do it again....
i mean it dragonblaze eventhough dick is not a swear word jesus it is you privite part
I am doing this for the game. I love this game to but people like you who do not follow the rules ruin the game.
Even though you said pieisawesome1 is not your account in your personal info it says

Hello i am The-pie-maniac.
my other accounts are...

that means Pieisawesome1 is still your account and you have done illegal transfers and staged combat
i know ay but it say i have abanded it ohh suck on that
if u dont want to get blocked just send all the things each of ur accounts hav received to the secretary
then in ur personal info write
I did some illegal transfers when I first joined the game and didn't know the rules. I have returned all I have received. I know the rules now and will follow them.

also write that u create more than 3 characters but u abandoned all of them cep for 3 n list them in ur profile

after that just dont log on the ones u abandoned
you say that you only abandoned Pieisawesome not pieisawesome1
Why are you acting so immaturely?

Also you have sworn to me with pieisawesome1 i have reportedd that to Secretary.

04-16-12 04:52: pieisawesome[1] vs pugman123[1]
04-16-12 05:14: pieisawesome[1] vs pugman123[1]


total violations in Transfer`s log as well as staged group battles so you deserve a bloc.

And also additional swearing + flaming.

also using foul language on forums.

P.S. admins this is not third party,just giving additional info.
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