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Add a faction , the spartans
IMO, we have enough factions for the % of players we have. Maybe, after the merge we can get a new faction (steppe barbians), but, the spartans won't be implemented so soon if someday they will.
what about elementals ?
too powerful for being a faction
what units will be there for spartans?
Spartans unit can have this troop i do:

Attk 9
Defence 5
hit point:5
Iniative 12
Volley,shooter,no melee penalty,ranged penalty

Shadow Arhery (Being Upgrade by Archer)
Attk 12
Defence 7
Hit point:12
Iniative 14
shooter,No Melee Penalty,Ranged Penalty Double Shot

So THis Is for lvl 1-2 2nd unit.1st unit......in thinking
no offense, but there are seven other factions you haven't tried.
check them out first, before asking for this...

secondly, after finally getting the dwarves here, it almost seems a bit unthankful to ask for a new faction so soon... (but ey, that's just my opinion...)
an archer with 7 speed and no melee penalty...are you sure that's best used as an archer ? :P
That is one heck of an upgrade... I would love to upgrade a creature and have stat boosts that nice. One of these days...

AHAHAHAHHAHAhah wtf is that and that is archer for lvl 1 that archer would alone kill 3 lvl 1 and upgraded what a huge diffrence he is powerful and without double shoot thats just not right maybe for lvl 5 shooter or lvl 8 but for start that archer would kill all and lvl 5 upgrade he would defeat lvl 7 its TOO strong... Why remove meele penalty if he is an "archer" this is wrost suggestion ever.
over powered unit
+1 ^^
just support to post 1 :p
-1.. 8 factions seem enough at the moment...
+1 for spelling faction right.
-1 we dont really need additional factions.

= 0
-1 just got a faction and no melee penalty 7 run more like 4 run
-1 i just think :D sorry
but i know we enough faction already
This Must Thankful to Admin
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