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AuthorHunt Assistance
Is there a cap on hunter guild points which we get, if we ask for hunter assistance ?

I know that the faction skill points get halved, but do that hunter guild points also get halved ?
yes. the hunter points are proportional to the fsp.
Also, when we do a hunt solo, for instance 1000 rebels, the next will be increased rebels right.

Will the same rate of increase in toughness apply when we do with the help of assistance ?
no. the increase results from this formula: N = n*1.69^max(Y;0.1).
N - the next creature number. n - the previous. max - fsp, where Y is maximum and 0.1 - minimum possible.
e.g. you got 0.17 fsp fro 1000 rebels.
-> 1000*1,69^0,17 = 1093.
So, other than making the hunt easier, there is no upside to asking for hunt assistance ?
there is big upside.
if you call for help every time you:
1) postpone the moment where you discover only red hunts.
2) loot more artifacts/gold/wood and ore, because you don`t have to skip a difficult hunt.
3) can beat someone`s record less risky, because the creatures` number depends on the fsp.
e.g. top record is 2000 rebels.
you currently want to hunt 1700. if you hunt alone - next time you`ll meet 2210.
but you think it`s too dangerous and yuo won`t manage this.
so you simply call for help and get 0.25 fsp. next time you`ll meet 1938.
and again you call for help and try to get 0.1 fsp. and then you get your 2042 rebels, whom you are able to defeat.
there is big upside.
There's damn huge mega big downside from powergaming point of view.
Who cares about records in hunting? 1st place in hunting won't give you anything except for an achievemnt in your info that isn't permanent, and about which no one cares except for you.

XP/FSP ratio will be worse in the end. For example 100 creatures, gives 1 XP each.

You're killing them solo, getting 100 XP and 0.5 FSP. Next time there will be 130 creatures.
Now you're calling for help to reach 130 creatures, for example you want to maximaze it, so you're getting as less kills as possible (0.1 FSP per battle, so 5 battles) to loot more artifacts/gold/wood and ore.


100 mobs, 100 XP 0.5 FSP.

100 XP 0.5 FSP.

100 mobs, 20 XP 0.1 FSP.
105 mobs, 21 XP 0.1 FSP.
111 mobs, 22 XP 0.1 FSP.
117 mobs, 22 XP 0.1 FSP.
123 mobs, 24 XP 0.1 FSP.

109 XP 0.5 FSP.

Killing more than 20%, but less than 100% will decrease that gap, but still it will exist, this means that than more you call for help, than worse your character will be. As it's known that FSP is the main thing in build and XP is a plague of every character.
109 XP 0.5 FSP.
Actually 110 XP and 0.5 FSP, as there will be 23 XP on 117 mobs.

So you'll have on 10% more XP or on ~9% less FSP from hunting.
everyone choses his <great> path.
I mean someone enjoys the game and relaxes, someone strives for achievements and money and others care about their character stats.
the way with doing hunts alone is better for character stats, the way with assists is a + to characters wealth.
for me all those numbers don`t mean anything at all, I`m not a crazy player who passes his life counting some dumb numbers all the time.
is better for character stats, the way with assists is a + to characters wealth.
The problem is that you can generate wealth from air all the time by very many different ways. While you can't just generate your FSP.

I`m not a crazy player who passes his life counting some dumb numbers all the time.
I wanted to be like that too. Actually I'm from .ru server (just saying that this character that now typing on this forum isn't my uber power leveled killing machine, etc.), but here's one problem: I have to be crazy player who passes his life counting some dumb numbers all the time or else there will be no reason to play this game. I'm playing it for PvP on 10+ lvl, there's nothing else to do in this game. PvE? I better play some single player RPG if I want to play with AI. PvP? "Normal" character will be unable to do any PvP at ~9th+ lvl, because there will be a lot crazy players who passes his life counting some dumb numbers all the time against him and he will have no chances of winning. So if I want PvP, I have to do that.
#1 : You get double your fsp in HG when you are the host of the hunt. You get 0.1 HG points when you are an assistant. No cap.

#2 : N = n*1.69^max(Y;0.1) so no, in assistance you don't kill the same Y as you do in solo hunt, so the difficulty increases slower.

#3 : It's a matter of perspective. You will get more Hunter arts when you do many assistances (more hunts than normal before you reach a specific difficulty), but come to think of it, are hunts the only thing you wanna do in this game ? I mean every combat needs time to finish (others less others more), so, the question is up to you, do you want to spend so much time in HG and leave the rest Guilds semi-evolved ?
Sorry, in #1 , #2, #3 I mean the number of the questions of the post-starter, not the posts themselves. So by #2 I meant #3 and by #3 I meant #5.
100 mobs, 20 XP 0.1 FSP.
105 mobs, 21 XP 0.1 FSP.
111 mobs, 22 XP 0.1 FSP.
117 mobs, 22 XP 0.1 FSP.
123 mobs, 24 XP 0.1 FSP.

Are you sure? I hear the number of creatures grow as the fsp earned by you, so if you take 0.03 or 0.5 fsp the number of creatures will grow acordding what you did...

In other ways, don't have any difference between solo hunts or ask assistence on huts, talking about exp/fsp way.
Are you sure?
Yes I am, I'm doing many XP/FSP tests of every type of combat and different conditions every day here on .com and on .ru server, and I did this test like 1 month ago, so it's not only theory, it's also a practice too.

so if you take 0.03 or 0.5 fsp
If you take less than 0.1 FSP, then it's very bad for you, because it'll grow like if you take 0.1 FSP, because it can't grow less than on 105.387395%. Even if you'll get 0 XP and 0 FSP but YOU called for help, it'll grow on 105%.
Getting from 0.1 FSP to 0.5 FSP is a range between 105% and 130%. And than more than better for your XP/FSP, so better to do solo hunts.
So thanks very much, i didn't know that :)

Very helpful hehehe
[Post deleted by moderator Dizbe // Swearing. Off topic.]
[Player banned by moderator Dizbe until 2012-06-15 07:44:41 // Swearing. Don't use that kind of language on our forum.]
I`m not a crazy player who passes his life counting some dumb numbers all the time.

Indeed. I've never seen such level of petty counting on this server. Wow!
Huge things are consist of many petty things :D
Many many many petty things and you have x2 times more FSP than "not crazy normal" character and the same FSP as standard munchkin, so you can play fair PvP with them.
But really it's just bad design of game. FSPs are mistake of the past, it was created to reward losing side of battle, now it's not needed. The best option is to remove it, but of course it's impossible, too many years passed and 99.9% of people will suffer from removing this.
Sorry for offtopic.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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