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Authorare brawlers worth lvl5
i think they are the weakest lvl5 creature and would be equal to dwarven ursry
They are level 4. And indeed, their power rating is almost the same as the dwarven level-3 creatures.
You can probably use them to take retaliation for your bears. Besides, their upgraded versions look useful. Not a bad investment, I say.
ogres have more hit points more attack defense etc.
i think brawlers are even weaker than mountain sentries
i think there lvl 5
Such comparison is pretty pointless. The admins always balance quality with quantity. The less powerful they are, the more of them you can recruit. It all evens out.
for Geryon:
you mean tier 4 and not level 4.
Because they are level 5 units/
means all level 5 dwarf dont dule against any other fraction then dwarf or u will loose :P really they r very weak
Ah, you mean they are creatures that you can recruit beginning at combat level 5. That's a very unconventional way of classifying them.
Brawlers are not that strong, but ofc, the admins have made everything balanced, Ursary are strong, and even Brawlers are very strong with runes.

But most importantly, there is a big change in the upgrade of Brawlers to Bersekers.
On heroes V, they are the weaker unit from this level, only berserk could be userful...

But admin put MANY brawler, so far make they one of best tier 4 from this game, because of quantity...

Of course they worth. Or you want to fight with one less tier in your army? lol
means all level 5 dwarf dont dule against any other fraction then dwarf or u will loose :P really they r very weak

Very false. This thread is laughable. Yes, you need to get brawlers. No, you will not be competitive without them.
Brawlers have the cheapest castle
i know you shud have brawlers atleast its some added strength but isnt it underpowered
No. Getting said it right. You get more brawlers making them = out.
you get 30 brawlers at lvl7...elves or their darker counterparts only get 10 tier 4
damage is very well is not it?
i think they are the weakest lvl5 creature and would be equal to dwarven ursry
Higher tier doesn't mean stronger. Bears are your best unit, that's it. Brawlers are good; just so much better than lame spears.

Comparison with ogres is funny, considering how low speed and ini they get.
I was fighting a dwarf some time ago. I was expecting an easy win but he used some double speed rune on his brawlers. After the brawlers made their turn i knew i will lose
at lvl 5 i would doubt if anyone questions that 8 ogres are 1000 times better than 13 brawlers which we normally get
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