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Authormerge bad news/good news
From my point of view:
**** global bad news ****
1) I guess most of .ru players are used to speak in russian but most of .com are not.
It will be probably hard to communicate if english is not the primary language.
2) many .ru players probably have arts that we got no chance to get (if you compare there are ar mroe sets that in .com)
3) could have a different fsp/xp rate that could drive .ru/.com players of same level being very different in term of achievement.

**** global good news ****
Hopefully more events, more sets, more guilds

**** bad news for high level (including me) ****
With more that 70 millions xp .com are supposely level 17 and are all in top 10 (or near top 10)
Joining the .ru none of us will be in the top 100 and we will have to compete with characters having up to 3,5 times our xp (and total fsp).
Is that a fair event for us to have fought so many fights to be somehow downgraded?
I hope admin will think about this and have a fair approach of the problem.

**** good news for high level (including me) ****
level 16 & 17 will be available

Regarding my main problem, (being downgraded from Top 10 to maybe 200th rank) not sure how this can be workaround.
Are we going to get free fsp?
Are everybody will get some kind of free arts depending on level?
Are we all got only our eyes to cry ? ^^
How about auto combat 1 day per week before merge?

1.It's can slightly decrease the huge FSP gap between 2 server,

2.It's easy for adm and players,

3.It's not free, can hugely encourage people donate,

4.The story can be set as: Empire want to hold a Olympic to train
our brave warriors , etc .
we will have to compete with characters having up to 3,5 times our xp (and total fsp).
Is that a fair event for us to have fought so many fights to be somehow downgraded?

Funny how a virtual level 17 don't think it is fair to have 3 times the amount of exp...

Virtual level 17 don't seem to have a problem with it when they have the unfair advantages, you have 3 times the amount of exp as a new level 15 player

#102El-Sheighul [15] 75738991
New level 15 players have 25000000
Yeah, if they could give us THE SLIGHTEST idea on how the merge is gonna be, I would more than happy to make some suggestions. At the momment, anything we say is TOTALLY SENSELESS, based on hypothesis and stuff. Messed up situation.
also will we get the big .ru map? where we have to travel a lot more, or can we keep our current small map
Funny how a virtual level 17 don't think it is fair to have 3 times the amount of exp...
Yeah but in .com we are all with the same rules, events, settings, backgrounds and all points that make the .com history the .com history.
If a new lvl 15 is unhappy being in the same pool as as virtual level 17, who is responsible for that?
He is responsible.
No need to blame anybody and sure not the admin team.
My concern is not related to the fact that lvl 15 up to lvl 17 are in the same pool (if you want to have my thougth I wold prefer to be a real lvl 17 and have shadow dragons), my concern is that lvl 17 of .com did the best it was possible to achieve in .com and somehow they will be dramatically downgraded if their accounts will just be pushed to .ru without any change.

Beside this I agree with Hallion91, how the merge will take place is fuzzy but this doesn't mean we can't discuss on this and raise our hopes & concerns.

Suggestion from TaQQ How about auto combat 1 day per week before merge? could make sense as well as probably many other solution not to make a level 17 of .com same as a lvl 17 of .ru (.ru coud find this unfair) but at least reduce the gap.
If a new lvl 15 is unhappy being in the same pool as as virtual level 17, who is responsible for that?
He is responsible.
No need to blame anybody and sure not the admin team.

Sorry to say but that is gibberish...
Are you saying that it is my fault that I wanted top play combats so I got enough exp to be level 15?

The situation is exactly the same, but instead of virtual level 17 having all the advantages and having relatively easy fights you will now be on the "bad" side when level 17 is in the same pool as virtual level 18-19

Overall you are being very hypocritically, and can only see a problem when you are not the one having all the unfair advantages. You may categorise this under PERSONAL bad news, but to say it is bad news is wrong, more like neutral news, since we get the same problem just for other players.
If a new lvl 15 is unhappy being in the same pool as as virtual level 17, who is responsible for that?
He is responsible.

I do not understand your logic at all. What is a player supposed to do? Stop playing to avoid committing the "crime" of becoming level 15?

It seems to me that your main complaint is another version of what I have seen from time to time on the forum - the complaint of a big fish in a small pond realising he may be released into the ocean. Of course competing against many more players means that we will all be lower in the ranks. You are not being "down-graded", you will simply be competing in a larger arena. You could even consider it an upgrade - premier-league instead of little-league :p
Yeah it will be tougher for those used to being the strongest on the server, but in exchange you get more competition and more events.

Concerns about our weaker heroes due to neglect of this server are understandable - i am concerned about that too. But as seen from the 1st May admin message - they know they have neglected us, so we can hope they will do something to re-dress the balance.

also will we get the big .ru map? where we have to travel a lot more, or can we keep our current small map

If we do get access to the big map, I would consider that a mount will become a regular and necessary expense.
Khell, don't spend your time on person who complain about "AFK" when he catch person with 1 creature in TG. He is so selfish. Being virtual 17 CL and having advantage over new 15 CL players is normal for him. But when he thought about future meetings with .ru virtual 18&19, his knees started to shake :)
I see mainly positive part of merge.
Yes, we will we behind in xp/fsp rate, but there will be much more chance for us to close the gap. With same amount of gametime what we play today we will be able to enjoy much more the game. I am sure that you all know (who sent post here in this topic) the differences, so even if we will be behind of the top players there we must have many new things to discover.
we will never be able to win survivals
those guys are pros with so many sets
No thanks to Khellendros, Laitha, CreatorOfWidows turning that post into a vengence against me (because I reported Khellendros afk?)
You are changing the topic.
Pity behavior
I don't think that the rare sets on .ru are an advantage at all. They are extremely expensive and it's not possible to use them in tourneys or cg.
No thanks to Khellendros, Laitha, CreatorOfWidows turning that post into a vengence against me (because I reported Khellendros afk?)
You are changing the topic.
Pity behavior

You are a funny one. To reduce the arguments to that is kind of fun.

You cannot see that the situation that your fear will happen to you in .ru
Are exactly the situation low level 15 are in on this server. Adn you ahve benifited from for a very long time.

If you have spoken up about the problem with huge gap in same combat levels b4 (As I have done many times also b4 your report on me) then I could take your argument seriously.
But when you only regard it as a problem when you don't benefit from it any more then I think it says a lot about you.

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"merge bad news/good news FOR El-Sheighul PERSONALLY"
As it should have been named
Funny how a virtual level 17 don't think it is fair to have 3 times the amount of exp...

Virtual level 17 don't seem to have a problem with it when they have the unfair advantages, you have 3 times the amount of exp as a new level 15 player
Grew up Khellendros
That's just a game
If you feel fear when you play it that's sad for you
Take your medicine ^^

Please do not worry for me, I've lost far more games that you and I don't care of loosing thousands more :p
closed by El-Sheighul (2012-06-17 17:22:51)
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