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Authorcg duel change
as eddy said: if regular duels give CG points, i wont go to CG page at all :P
as eddy said: if regular duels give CG points, i wont go to CG page at all :P

CG is an arena where the best and the strongest could shine and not for arranged battles. It's not meant to be a casual guild. I believe this is the admin's vision and eddy just doesn't agree or understand with that.
the reason cg is dead is because no one wants to fight super powerful people. if it were just people who are like me then cg would e overflowing with battles. i don't think admins vision for cg would be an empty guild with very few/no battles on each level...
If you want to fight against a certain person, create standard duels for that. There you can accept/deny anyone.

whats wrong in implementing in CG too?

to Grusharaburas:
who are big boys?
this is one reason level 15 CG vanished :(

unbalanced, unfair games.... who will do?
ya.. hehe fsl 11 necro vs fsl 9 de.. wonder who will win? :P

bojoi (not to mention names or anything) is way tooo tough of an opponent for new lv 15's who want to do pvp via cg battles. think about that pls
who are big boys?

By "big boys" I meant "super powerful" players that scared players avoid.

this is one reason level 15 CG vanished :(

Easily fixed by merge or implementing CL 16 and onwards.

unbalanced, unfair games.... who will do?

We still have normal battles and duels, you know. What is your problem with not having CG points?

the reason cg is dead is because no one wants to fight super powerful people. if it were just people who are like me then cg would e overflowing with battles.

Then what would be the point of becoming "super powerful". Normal people have normal battles. Leave CG to the "super powerful" folks. The problem with you is that you look at CG as a casual guild and when you face serious players you go to the forums and complain that it's "unfair". Stick with normal battles if you don't want to face serious (or crazy) players. XD

i don't think admins vision for cg would be an empty guild with very few/no battles on each level...

It's only empty because of the low server population.
for slayerofall:
The reason you are fighting with lvl 5 faction is because you want to build resistance. You scream for fair fights, but this makes your character stronger.

Two months from now you will play as elf against a barb (in CG or tourney), both of you with same level 8 in the main faction. You will claim this is fair fight. But with resistance 5-6 faction level against him, the poor barb won't have a chance!

This is just a trickery to claim fair fights now while in the back you build your character stronger.

There are no people that play CG not because no one wants to fight super powerful people. But because there are no people. Period.

Your secret backstabbing plan is to become one of those super powerful people.
Once you will become one, with resistance in all enemy factions, you'll forget all talking about fair fights...
super powerful people get bonuses in stats, faction abilities, which makes hunts, mg, and tournies easier for them to win. let cg battles occur between similar stat/fsp heroes so they can have fun/fiar battles too.

let me ask you this. if a fsl 9 necro with tg 4 or above faces a fsl 8 elf with no tg, and they are both competent players. if skels shoot first then elf is dead for sure. how is that fair? in some ways that could even be called a "staged" combat since the elf has no chance to win.
the poor barb won't have a chance!

lol, when was the last time you have seen a barb in cg? (besides my foolish self) i lose badly agianst barbs..with high fsl or not...

wish i had some resist to necros and wizs... seems to be a lot of fsl 9 ones around these days :P

Your secret backstabbing plan is to become one of those super powerful people.

lol... i will never be one of those super powerful people. heck, i will have to get du on 13 just to stand CHANCE against fsl 9-10 people with tg 6-7...
The balance of factions does not mean that all factions are equal to each other.
If they don't know a-priori their enemy, a knight will always lose to a wiz, and a wiz will always lose to a dark elf, a wiz will lose to a demon, etc... the chain can go on.

It means that some factions you win, some others you don't.
The "balance" say that all factions are overall equal, in the sense that any faction will lose to some and win to others, but not always be weaker than all other, or stronger than all other.

The balance can be achieved after many combats in random conditions when you face a random opponent. If you know a-priori who you are facing, you can of course avoid all those you'r weak against.

Of course, balance is not achieved by "fair fights". But by random ones.
let me ask you this. if a fsl 9 necro with tg 4 or above faces a fsl 8 elf with no tg, and they are both competent players. if skels shoot first then elf is dead for sure. how is that fair? in some ways that could even be called a "staged" combat since the elf has no chance to win.

And would it be fair if the admins rip off the thief who paid 80 euros (real money) for the advantage that he paid for? You have a weird sense of "fairness"...

super powerful people get bonuses in stats, faction abilities, which makes hunts, mg, and tournies easier for them to win.

Show them to me. I want to see who I will be facing.

let cg battles occur between similar stat/fsp heroes so they can have fun/fiar battles too.

And what would be the point of trying to build a strong character? You want to take away the just reward that some players put in to make their toons strong? Might as well negate guild and faction bonuses. That way, there'd be no distinction between players, i.e., "fair".
when was the last time you have seen a barb in cg? (besides my foolish self)
Just yesterday. Slust is always playing CG and he is very good at it actually...
well.. i guess to have my "fair" fights, i will have to pre arrange with opponent who is similar to my skill/stats, and join when 1 minute left on enlist stage of cg. that way no fsl 9 char can jump in and steal easy cg point :P
well.. i guess to have my "fair" fights, i will have to pre arrange with opponent who is similar to my skill/stats, and join when 1 minute left on enlist stage of cg. that way no fsl 9 char can jump in and steal easy cg point :P

That's an ingenious exploit, I must admit. Nice one. XD
Just yesterday. Slust is always playing CG and he is very good at it actually...

slust? the same slust who has .93 fsp in barb faction?

i mean like fsl 8 or 9 barb..heck... you don't see demons anymore in cg, on lv 12, velniukstis was only one, but he doesnt play cg anymore. elves are practically gone. cg on lv 12 is basically between wiz necro knight and sometimes de and dwarf if there is any.
Easily fixed by merge or implementing CL 16 and onwards.
i dont think so, no LWM players are gonno fight HWM players because of the FSL gaps...

to Grusharaburas:
from the explanation you given for super powerful players or big boys..

i can come to conclusion that, you like fighting with swords and you want opponents who have wooden stick.
and you call that as a super powerful fighters, fair battles, big boys etc...

And would it be fair if the admins rip off the thief who paid 80 euros (real money) for the advantage that he paid for? You have a weird sense of "fairness"...
even i have TGI, i haven spent not even 1$ real money...
i dont see any dis-advantage or advantage buddy...
real money spent players ambush the same way i can... vice-versa
this is called fairness..... is this weird to you? strange....
even i have TGI, i haven spent not even 1$ real money...
i dont see any dis-advantage or advantage buddy...
real money spent players ambush the same way i can... vice-versa
this is called fairness..... is this weird to you? strange....

1. slayer assumed that TG gave an advantage and I was responding to his statement with the same assumption that TG gave advantages to players. Learn to follow the discussion, will you?

2. I didn't pay a single cent for mine either but there are folks out there who did.

i dont think so, no LWM players are gonno fight HWM players because of the FSL gaps...

Not a problem with CG. Fixed by giving compensation FSP at the merge.

i can come to conclusion that, you like fighting with swords and you want opponents who have wooden stick.
and you call that as a super powerful fighters, fair battles, big boys etc...

No. CG is for people with swords. Normal battles and duels are for people with wooden sticks. Look at my CG battles. Does it look like my opponents have wooden sticks? I have never won since becoming a Dwarf but I don't avoid people with high FSL, i.e, people with bigger swords than mine. I don't do normal battles or duels because that's only for people with wooden sticks. Unless I'm trying to hit as close to 280.00 as possible and I'm trying to lose. :P
Not a problem with CG. Fixed by giving compensation FSP at the merge.

do you know that will happen?

CG is for people with swords
thats your understanding, not my problem.... CG is for everyone...

I have never won since becoming a Dwarf but I don't avoid people with high FSL
i think you like losing , hmmm.

dude, you are having wooden stick, go fight with people who have wooden stick :P
do you know that will happen?

More certainly than this idea being implemented.

thats your understanding, not my problem.... CG is for everyone...

That's your understanding. Not our problem. CG is for serious players.

i think you like losing , hmmm.

"Winning"? "Losing"? Doesn't matter much to me. It's the fight matters! XD

dude, you are having wooden stick, go fight with people who have wooden stick

Nah. I like fighting against impossible odds. Makes winning more satisfying. XD
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