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AuthorFlash problem
After a rest from the game i decided come back play

But i found that some of the flash picture cannot be read...Means they are missing flash that to be loaded

I have the latest version of the flash player but still can't...

Anyone here have idea how to solve this?
May be these could help you:

It happened same on me and i used Google Chrome and doing fine

I thought this game was originally superior for using Mozilla..

Looks like Chrome taking over it..
Just downgrade your Flash Player to version I'm using this version and it is working absolutely fine.

If you don't know how to do it, then simply remove the flash player from Mozilla and then open the map page of Lordswm. When it asks for downloading the missing flash player, simply click it and hopefully you will be playing on Mozilla as before.

This is what I did and it worked, at least for me.
closed by ElfPride (2012-08-10 16:13:55)
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