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LordsWM Olympic Games - Its finally here!


AuthorLordsWM Olympic Games - Its finally here!
for KiisuKat:
I've also sent him a PM. If he doesn't reply soon, you'll get the bye.
u should atleast send the link to all clan leader

I guess Laitha did.

But since you had come to know of the games, you should have PMed your clan mate an informed about it. Anyways, once you have registered your clan for the games, you should've checked the General Game forum, the Olympic thread is almost always on the top.
See post 100:


Laitha had sent a PM to all clan leaders.
i didnt got any mails from her i m a clan leader of this clan and i didnt got if she claim she did then please make her prove it; ask her to post her outbox page where she send me any mails
Still, you being the leader should constantly check this page once you have signed up for the games. Also, when you had come to know about it, at least then you must have informed your clan mates? It is riddiculus when your clanmate says that the clan leader hasn't informed her of the games when more than half of the tourney has been over and they have won 3 medals!
and one of my clan member God_of_wars also send u Vlaer a private message asking for the games link but u didnt responce to him also till now he said if u send him the link of games so he can inform his another clan member about ther games also he just informed me about this i can show u his mail also to u
First of all, I would like to most sincerely thank Vlaer for the idea, the effort and all the trouble about the Olympic Games.

That said, this is what happened to me:
I applied in Tavern

I found my name directly at the second round on the table

I received a pm from harddude asking to arrange a game.

I answered to him.

Nothing happened.

Harddude drew the luck (i guess), he passed the turn.

I have not played ANY game. Harddude is on the 4th round.

Good for him, olympic spirit is that of participating, right? Playing is not that important, I guess. Ok, glad I was a name in your tables.

I hope Vlaer will organise something in the future, all the same.
i won tavern game against abbyw23 in BG

That said, this is what happened to me:
I applied in Tavern

I found my name directly at the second round on the table

I received a pm from harddude asking to arrange a game.

I answered to him.

Nothing happened.

Harddude drew the luck (i guess), he passed the turn.

I have not played ANY game. Harddude is on the 4th round.

Good for him, olympic spirit is that of participating, right? Playing is not that important, I guess. Ok, glad I was a name in your tables.

I guess it was clearly mentioned in the rules that if you feel that your opponent isn't responding to your calls for a fight, you should report it here. if you fail to do so, there is no mechanism by which we can determine whether you are saying the truth or not.

Now this is for everyone, I am saying this again.

If you feel your opponent is ignoring your request for an game, please please please post it here. Action will be taken accordingly.

I have not played ANY game. Harddude is on the 4th round.

Good for him, olympic spirit is that of participating, right? Playing is not that important, I guess. Ok, glad I was a name in your tables.

So what do you think I should have done? Allowed more than 5 days for a battle that would never have taken place? why didn't you report it here or PM me if he hasn't been playing? If players like KiisuKat above can report, you too can.

The bracket has been updated.
By the way, any complaints/suggestion, please PM me instead.
i hv played the game vs kiisukat, but i cant hv a game with hablaty, we cant organize ourselves to play a game, wat to do?? he cant come b4 13:00 server tym, nd i cnt go after 14:00 server tym...
i hv played the game vs kiisukat, but i cant hv a game with hablaty, we cant organize ourselves to play a game, wat to do?? he cant come b4 13:00 server tym, nd i cnt go after 14:00 server tym...

Try if you could till tomorrow, else we have to go for a lucky draw :(
people i apologize but i cant do anymore of card games !
i back out due to lack of time !
all my opponents will proceed
my congrats to all .

i m really sorry !
[Post deleted by moderator STBs // Off topic]
I won againts Stupefy
at GC
So what do you think I should have done?

Vlaer, never thought you should have done anything. I dont blame you at all. Really. I was sincere when I thanked you.

I report all here on forum, because I wanted ppl to know the story. A bit of show-off? :D

Imho, there are already too many things players cannot write on forums in this game. So, no need for further inner exchange. As to complaints, I deem players as able to spot whiners or real "victims" by themselves.

Anyway, my post was not exactly a complaint. I'm sorry and probably it sounded bitter. But I wrote "nothing happened". I also didnt ask harddude again to fix another game, for example.
Why didnt I report earlier? Because I didnt know I was using an old link to the game table and I realized only today that things had moved on. End of the story for me. Longing for the next event Vlaer will be so kind to organise.
I won againts Khellendros
at MC
for viola17:
Sorry mate, I was very busy on 16th Aug as the very next day I had an Exam.

for Vlaer:
Since Dbest is not playing further that means that I am in finals. So should I play finals against the other player?
I would like to thanks Vlaer for all he has done. It was a great event, but, now it is over for me. My last battle:

https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=504692600&lt=-1 (CL 5 tournament, last match. I won! =)

And rematch (not sure if it is counting):


Thanks Vlaer, again.
i didnt got any mails from her i m a clan leader of this clan and i didnt got if she claim she did then please make her prove it; ask her to post her outbox page where she send me any mails

Of course i wouldn't claim I did if i didn't. I checked my outbox and seems I missed you - sorry for that.

In general, it looks like communicating event updates in a thread such as this has not worked as well as it could. It is difficult to get all the relevant info in between other posts. It can certainly be noted for next time.

Big thanks to Vlaer for this event, it takes a lot of work to organise something like this and try and make it work for everybody involved.
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