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AuthorDefender Shield
I know that defender shield has a high demand in the market. But whats the profit in selling it?
average price =3333gold
price in factory=3120g+1xWood
lowest price of wood=183g
total price in factory=>3120+183=3303
avg price-price in factory=3333-3303=30g
But the fact is,
empire charges 1% in s successful trade=33g
So finally we get (3333-33)=3000g
ie. loss of 3g
so wheres the profit?
It depends on the level of your laborers guild and the "opportunity cost" of just working at a mining facility.
The wage is 205gold at the defender shield facility but only 180gold at the mining facilities (Silent Hill).

You can still profit by selling Defender Shields at a loss as you would make more money than you would by working at one of the mines.

You still need to buy the shields so that you can enrol in the facility.
there are 3 reasons:

- people in market sometimes look at the "sold for" price on statistics, rather than calculate themselves. Statistics still consider wood and ore to be worth 180 gold only, so the shield will appear as a 3300 artifact.
To those people, selling at 3333 golds is a no-loss trade (in fact it's not).


- average price is definitely not 3333. But if during peak hours (that is, when you have high demand and low offer, not when you have several players online) prices can go up as far as 4500, on 'low trade' times there will be to little a demand to keep prices any higher. Of course, if demand never rises again, they would end up loosing money, but this will never happen, so in the long run the method allows to keep a positive balance.

- people that sell at that price do so to discourage newly arrived marketeer, so that when peak hour arrive, they will have less concurrecy sales and will make better deal. Also, if Nobody else will post for a while, you'll see they start putting higher prices.

This is true for all lvl 3-7 items that are not sold in the artifact shop.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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