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AuthorMagic punch damage
I was studying top hunter battles of my level and faction - wizard lvl 3. And noticed that people did a lot of damage with their Magic punch, like 50, 70 or even 84.

How is this possible? There are no talents at lvl 3, no artifacts which give bonus to spell power. I do 24 with SP=1, and their SP is 1 too, or even 0.

Please, could someone explain, i'm very worried :)
The Wizard characters also have an increase to the damage they deal with spells to neutral creatures at hunt and on Mercenaries' Guild errands:
in case of direct damaging spells, [final damage]=[normal damage]*(2+[faction skill level])/2;
in case of area of effect damaging spells, [final damage]=[normal damage]*([spell area]+[faction skill level])/[spell area].
This damage increase has no effect with the "Firewall" spell.

Taken from here: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=38
This can only be done in a hunt:

They can do this damage because they have an FL of 3, 4 etc.

Each FL = +10 damage (Magic Punch) in hunt. (I think)

FL 1 = 30 Damage
FL 2 = 40 Damage
FL 3 = 50 Damage

Maybe your FL damage 1:10 increases?


FL 3 = 60 Damage (1:20)

I might be wrong...
Let's look at this fight:

The guy deals 84 damage with his Magic punch, and his SP is 0. Cntrl+click on him to be sure. Ok. Then let's go to the formula: 84=[normal damage]+(2+skill)/2. I guess normal damage is = 20, without talents in nature, what talents at lvl 3? Then solving it, we have skill=126 :(

Where is the mistake? Searching througn the guy's combat log, I found that the battle was in 2008 though. Anything has changed since then? Or I'm in trouble :)
No I'm stupid. Confused * with +. But still we have 6.4?
He has 20% bonus damage to neutrals from wearing a hunter set. His base damage is 70 damage, which means he has 5 wiz faction level.
He has extra 20% damage to neutrals (because of hunter set). So damage without the hunter set is 84 / 1.2 = 70 damage, which corresponds to FL 5.
add that at that time it was possible to loose battles and still get faction points, whereas xp was drastically reduced. This way, some players abused the system (take ethereality as the model example), and arrived to have absurdly high FSL with very low CL.

Since, the game has been modified to prevent this behavior, and now you will always level up faster in combat than you do in faction, no matter what.

So those records will never be beaten again.
To solve the other problem of getting fl5 at cl3 (as I assume you are interested in the records),

we note that in the old days, helping someone in hunt does not gives you exp, but still gives you fsp,
This just allows for a huge pump of fsp without any increment in experience, a behaviour observable early in her combat log:
Any hunt assist she did then gives her 0exp for about 0.25fsp

This is now quite impossible, so yes, it would be quite a problem for new record attempts, unfortunately.
sorry, guyb, didn't see your response before-hand D:
I'm still unsure. So, to calculate the final damage, first we apply Magic punch damage formula:

Base Damage = 20+4*SP

which is 20, because his SP is 0.

Next, we calculate the damage using Wizard skill formula:

Damage = Base damage*(2+skill)/2

And then we apply Hunters' set 20% to damage and get 84. Right?
As for the possibility to get faction skill 5 at lvl 3 being made impossible, it's nice, i was very worried abot that too.
What you said in post #11 is correct.
What you said in post #11 is correct.

Thanks a lot everybody! Acquired a bit more knowledge about this game. Closing.
closed by Zaur (2012-09-09 02:18:48)
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