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AuthorRussian text
Is there a translation for English, of what is write there?

Don't know. Its completely russian, and since it isn't text, I can't even translate :( Do you want me to upload the text in my photo album?
i am from croatia, it is also a slaven country , and our neighbours are serbs, and they use chirilics
i learned chirilic when we were one country, yugoslavia
its not the same as russian but it is similar

it is happening to me also, and it is very fast, so i cant be sure, but i think it is something to do with upgrading flash player
vlaer can you upload that screen shot
maybe i can decipher it
and i have some text also when cards are loading, sometimes
maybe the merging is going to happen soon
somebody mentioned haloween?
well maybe, it seems to me admins like to do big things on holidays
It writes:
Attention! To play you need to update your Flash player
is there an upgraded version available ?
for chrome, go to "about:plugins" there u find 2 versions of flash enabled, u must disable the one of two...
sorry 4 previous, the rightis "chrome://plugins" and u enable

"C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_3_300_262.dll" version
hmmm...sounds good.
I might point out in passing that Adobe has already discontinued flash for mobile and is planning to discontinue it for desktop browsers aswell. This is simply the first of many glitches that will occur eventually in all browsers purely because Adobe won't update any of their flash plugins...

Flash is dead, HTML 5 will rule the web.
Flash is dead, HTML 5 will rule the web.

So will lords have to switch to html 5? I would personally love it, but would be so hard to do so.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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