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Authorroulette tips, by me and seanckx
why all of u talking about those who lose on roulette?
i know many of those who won gold frm roulette.
dont discourage other to stop roulette,
even me was a fool losing 1 million gold, but now have turn it around.
for those who have lost gold in roulette, keep on playing ^_^
every one can't be as lucky as you were
this is how it goes
X gambles,he/she can either win or lose
•Suppose X wins
Then he/she gets excited & starts playing more & bets more
this goes on.. till X has no money left to play with
So win or lose doesn't matter if you don't know when to stop!
& then the worst of it comes!
X starts asking every rich player(known or unknown) for money
that he/she guarantees to multiply it by roulette & return it back in an hour or so.. the people who fall for this.. usually regret it & start cussing
TO avoid this scenario its advisable to stay OFF roulette if you NEED money
If you play for fun.. your more then welcome!
lol, at first i face this problem.
after some time i realise and manage to fix it.

1st u need to analysis, and make sure to place bet on same number
2nd thing u need in roulette patients.
3rd u need atleast 100k be4 starting playing it
4th u need to stop betting once u win.

all these tip for straight bet.
1st u need to analysis, and make sure to place bet on same number
-track all the previous rolls
-there's a pattern somehow somewhere
-must keep losing gold to win
-it'll land on lucky 7 next spin!
-no, i meant next next spin
-keep double down
-after 5 Blacks, it'll be a Red!
-if it lands on 12, next one would be 21!

yeah, those all are the "tips" :)
Do someone know if here was in the past realy a "Fair game control system"? (https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=21#control)

I found no anouncement why they have stop it.
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2015-02-18 17:53:27 // FR#2.8//Archaeology - raising ancient topics back to the top of forum branch - is forbidden. (warning)

There are many ways in winning the roulette first:

1.) You need to have a gold(above 100)
2.) You just need to bet 100 gold per spin in roulette. ( you need to bet on black and red only)
3.) Observe the spin history.
4.) If the last two numbers are red you need to bet on black.
•If the last two numbers are black you need to bet on red.
•If the last number is black you need to bet on black.
•If the last number is red you need to bet on red.
•If the last number is 0 or 00 just pass until the next spin.


If you lose your bet double your last bet to have an income.
This tips is 80% sure that you will win and i'm sure that this will make you rich...
And don't be GREEDY!!!

Roulette bets total: 19,734
Roulette winnings total: 14,484

80% Win rate checks out.

Oh wait.
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