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AuthorRequest to unblock an old account
is any possible to unblock my old account : Blackstones?

prove: i used same email id for the account too.
i used same email id for the account too.
i have reached lvl 3 any and sent a request to secretary to unblock my account. but, i did not get any reply.

what else i have to do?
can plz
1. If you broke the rules, your not going to get your account back...
2. Admins only unblock if it was the forbidden BOW or if you were somebody truly special
3. The admins need to return to this server, otherwise how are they going to unblock you?

It is senseless creating posts in the forums
Players do not have the block/ unblock button...
Arctic, lexa and the almighty Empire posses the block button, and even the unblock button

Its common sense, they are not going to unblock some player who is spamming all of the forums
Questions regarding penalties, unblock requests, and other kinds of communication with Administration are made with the help of Secretary:
If your combat level is below the 3rd and you can't use the private mail - either raise your level or ask your friends or clanmates.
Contacting the Administration via "Queries & Help" is SENSELESS.
closed by Lord syrian (2012-10-25 20:28:53)
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