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AuthorDizbe Online!
The one and only,
The dearest and most glorious,
The wisest and the sagest,
is finally Online!

We've missed you, and we cherished you,
You've finally came to save us!

All hail to Dizbe!
Who's Dizbe?
Who's Dizbe?
a lvl 14 wiz! xD
Who's Dizbe?
only i can see a big fat belly wiz :P
for J3T:
for Pantheon:
for time_keeper:
All hail to Dizbe!
Indeed, I am online!

And as Naviron rightly predicts, I will save you all from the ban you might probably deserve by moving this topic right away.

In fact, my faithful followers, fangirls (Pantheon) and friends alike, I am here to freely dispense my generous advice as you wish.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Off-game forum".
Dizbe offline!
I still don't see the point?
Apparently Dizbe is like one of those self-help gurus with some huge fanbase.
I still don't see the point?

lol ppl pls dont compare arctic 'the server's hope' with a mod xD
They are two completely different prospects and both have different meanings of coming onlin...for example, dizbe probably will never describe the server's fate by giving info about the merge!
Dizbe is a good moderator, he deserve his 5 seconds in the hall of fame =)

All hail to Dizbe!
for example, dizbe probably will never describe the server's fate by giving info about the merge!
so.... you're saying he's stingy?
Character went offline at 10:57, 12-19-12

He is offline now. I guess we are back to the dark ages.
He is offline now. I guess we are back to the dark ages.

Not again :(

Our server is waiting your big come back!
will never describe the server's fate by giving info about the merge!

Indeed, you have no faith in my ability. It saddens me, alas! 'Tis unfortunate that we will not make it to the merge, because the world is ending this weekend.

Therefore, I dispense this piece of worldly advice - Sell all your arts and elements and resources before the 21st of December and bet big on roulette! Afterall, you might as well have some fun and take a few risks before we all say goodbye in the coming days ahead.
I once met an old mayan lady.

She said that "one day before the world ends you will have a chance to save the world." I asked her how. She said "a pot bellied wizard will offer you 8 pieces of moonstones and 4 pieces of fire crystals."

She however warned that I should not offer anything in return and that Dizbe must give it as a gift. She said that once Dizbe give you the items then the world will not end.

And the old mayan lady also said that you give 100000 gold as tribute to me. Actually, she insists on it.

I did not made up that story.
bet big on roulette!

Your maximal stake total

Only a roulette addict would call 15k gold "big".
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