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AuthorAll about Necro faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
had base defense + aviodence, swordsmen had 35 defense... my damage was ridiculous! Although I would pass his Sword, Griffins 17 + 56 warders will be left... I did 41 dmg with the ghost almost at max... just sad
since ur a darkness magic caster ur attack defense and dmg suffers
Vamp-16 attack
Swords-35 Defense almost twice ur attack
its obvious that the your dmg will be bad
Well, I'm necro lvl 7, ofc my dmg output is low, since I have to spend points on mana and spell power...
Is it me or the Unholy Necro is too powerful at minor tournaments especially vs casters?
Well, you spend 4 mana to revive, he spend much more to kill your units, you are also much faster thank to your passive. So yes, I think unholy necro can counter pretty easy a caster! Anyways, my personal opinion is that necro is one of the strongest faction from lvl 10 (if you have a good fsl, ofc)!
Well, you spend 4 mana to revive, he spend much more to kill your units, well old story :(
With the recent change it has now become a race of who has the biggest mana pool :)
With the recent change it has now become a race of who has the biggest mana pool :) lol
"Harvest Soul" ability could kill a monster (no matter how many HPs) in one hit, right?
309: Yes, doesnt matter on hp, always 1 creature.
which one is better
unholy necro or necro
unholy of courrse its nummbers of vamps and ghost cant be discused :P
for badnecro:

It all depends on your taste, though "generally" unholy is better at PVP(being able to raise constantly), especially vs casters and normal necro is better at PVE (using skeleton archers etc)
to 309-harvest soul wont kill a monster in mercenary guild
for Alexso:
Yes harvest sole can kill a monster in 1 hit but the health of the monster must be below 1000.
Yes harvest sole can kill a monster in 1 hit but the health of the monster must be below 1000

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