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Authormerge - maps on .ru and .com
Hello friends, the merge is near and we will meet players from russian server in few days or in some hours.
To avoid the long wait i want to speculate here a little about upcoming merge.

So, what will happen with kingdom map on russian server and with map from our server? Would admins just add our map to their? Maybe, so the new world could be consisted of the .ru-server map and .com-server map, which could be connected on some interesting way.

So write your opinion - where can be our kingdom been located from the perspective of .ru-server map - in north / south / west / east / island, etc. ?
What can be the possible connection between 2 maps - portal / path / new sector / ... ?

here are full maps from 2 servers:

russian server:

english server:
I don't think they will merge the maps,but it could be possible.
I agree with Post #2... I think we will have the same map.

Previously i thought a lot about what you have said now and i always thought we are at the south west, or west itself. The reason was the color of the ocean(depth) which in .ru is more dark and ours is lighter meaning it may just be a sea not the ocean. But now with the volcano and what others have guessed i think the far island scenario may be the right one and we are going to move there.
How about undergound level? There is such in HoMM series and why not here? Everything is possible :)
quite a while ago i made a suggestion about the merger...

if they decide to make separated maps for both kingdoms, they could have a pvp event , server v server , and after it's done, and merge complete, a truce between two servers can be declared , as a sign of successful merger

event ideas and possibilities are endless, i hope they take advantage of it, it could bring a lot of new players too
hi all,
i just worry about the language,
i really can't match with Russian , that's too hard
yesterday we had only fog
today we see vulcan
tommorow eruption?
on monady merge will start?
I believe in an devastating volcano eruption which forces us to migrate to the other map with no option to get back. I will miss the old map in this case.
Welcome to ru.server lads,we cannot wait to see you!
I believe in an devastating volcano eruption which forces us to migrate to the other map with no option to get back. I will miss the old map in this case. hmmm, in my opinion it would be too difficult to handle with estates - what should happen with them ? but ok, admins can make a compensation to estates owners... but it would be too simple and boring.


in my eyes following scenarion could happen:

1. the volcano will erupt (may be on this monday) and maybe destroys part of the map

[The Exodus], i think this message gives us a little hint:
[Empress:]... Abandon the land and venture to the West? A monarchy of hundreds of thousands of subjects could not just get into a trailer and travel forth like a band of mercenaries...

Why Empress said: "venture to the west", why not to the east - on the east side of the map we have a harbour...
2. I think russian servers' map is placed in the west (relative to us), so lava will flow into the sea and make a passway to their continent and

Councilors Bilir, Kh'Everst and Arabat Flamesoul the Fourth, are possible candidates to make a first meet with russian players/russian-server-empress

If you look on the west side of our map, there, near verdant dale is strange building (ok it it could be seen, before we knew, that merge will happen), maybe it will play some role in this event (i don't know what it really is - some kind of harbour ? or would it be some sort of custom - we have different prices for resources, artifacts, elements, etc...).

but on the other side, it looks like this possible pathway, is simply too long, so there wouldn't be enogh lava to make this passway possible.


As we can see, lava has only 2 possibilities to flow - through the silent hill (then it can destroy the whole map) or into the direction of east bay, on the way it will burn the trees, which are some natural wall (between capital and mountains) and makes a pathway to the unexplored island, where is a ancient teleport (some sort of which are on .ru) and this would be the connection to their map...
another possibility:
yellow line is a pathway which we will find after volcano eruption.


...I am so excited about that what will in really happen =))
I think vulcan erupt today and we can't escape, then Arctic/Empire build lighthouse and send msg s.o.s., when russian friends help us ;-)
#13 =) make sense !
Actually I don't think it does. Our map is a mirror reflection there.
The possibility from post 11 makes much more sense :>
Merge is done already.
closed by ElfPride (2013-01-23 10:21:45)
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