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AuthorNo fireball,Ice ring?
So i just turned level 10 and builded magic guild level 3.
I got the confusion,weakness spell.
But no Fireball and Ice ring spell.
You need the chaos magic talents also.
I don't have Chaos talents ;).
You dont have it because you are a dark demon ;)

If you want chaos talents/chaos build, you need to change your class for your normal demon.
But i have the other chaos spells?
Take the talent foundation of chaos
So you DD? He can not use spell chaos
Take Wisdom talent.
Pretty weird that i got those other 4 chaos spells. But no ice ring and fireball tough.

But i guess it's not broken
It's not a problem, it's how the game features.

You can use level 1 and level 2 spells automaticaly, but for level 3 and on you need to have the respective talent to be able to cast it.
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