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Authorway to see friends/unliked people in hunt/battle requests
perhaps a colour could be used to designate when a friend (someone on the friends list) is requesting assistance. i would suggest green?
another thing this game needs now with so many characters and many with names which dont translate and cant be remembered... we need a way to mark those who annoy us.
the opposite of a friends list is required!
these people should be marked in red so that we know not to assist them.
for instance some are very greedy and deliberate block etc just to take more than half of the fsp. i notice it is more of an issue on this server now.
it is annoying to assist someone and end up with around .08 fsp...
perhaps a legal script is available for this?
thanks for any advice/info. :)
Player banned by moderator Wertz until 2013-01-29 19:16:19 // FR #1.7
For enemies, etc.

Point 15 .
how about pointing me to the scripts instead of banning me?

thia part is still valid:
perhaps a colour could be used to designate when a friend (someone on the friends list) is requesting assistance. i would suggest green?

thanks madam_sry for your answer... at least it was partially helpful.
this is my multi... Beryl_The_Great is my main.
This quote is from you personal profile, you should post with your main on the forum.

Here is a script which allow you to make friend groups, but it will not have the colour feature.
thanks Lord_Khellendros, thats getting closer.
(forgot i was logged in as multi ;)
however i downloaded and when tried to run it claims a 'return statement outside function' so wont work anyway. :(
what i need is a way to avoid assisting those who abuse the privilidge.
when i assist i very rarely kill more than half unless it is required.
i understand i cant stop them from joining my assists without calling someone... earlier i remembered the names of the offending people and avoided them, this is impossible when most names are in russian and unreadable.
during my last hunt the russian speaking player was insulting me, i would rather just add them to the 'not-friends' list and avoid them then have a cry.
we also need some translating function but i guess that is on the way...
i know this is wordy, but this issue should be reconsidered after the merge?
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