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Author | loot: what does this mean? | | This means that you can get an artifact in a hunt | but it was a pvp.. | This means that you can get an artifact in a hunt or gold in TG or RG and artifacts if you have reached a certain CG level. | For TG:
Each new level in thieves’ guild grants its member initiative increase, as well as one random Thief set artifact until guild level 7, or one random Plunderer set artifact since guild level 8.
For RG:
Each new level in rangers’ guild grants its member initiative increase; certain levels will also earn a random Ranger set artifact.
Note that the initiative bonus is only applicable whilst you are an active guild member, it never stacks with initiative earned with the Thieves’ guild.
For CG:
Each level will grant an item crafted specifically for guild champions, one of a set of 13. Each even guild level will grant a skill point for optional distribution. Details
In addition, victorious parties will have a chance to loot the defeated lords' artifacts as soon as they reach guild level 1. (The looted item is a replica of the one worn by the defeated lord, with low durability and without transfer option. The defeated party keeps their own artifacts). Each new guild level increases this chance.
Link for what you can loot at each level: | Sorry I made a mistake, the person looted a sword there because you get a free sword when you reach level 5, and he reached lvl 5 through that fight so he got a sword. | ok ty | closed by TribalWarfare (2013-02-02 09:23:27) |
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