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AuthorSmall stories.
Story 1 - The boy who loves to read.

Once lived a boy who loved to read , he read every book he had in his hands , one day he had no book to read so he went to the nearby library to buy a book but to his surprise he has read everybook there so he confronted the shopkeeper and asked if there was any book which he did not read , the shopkeeper thought for a while and said no , i meaannnnn yes of course! he gave the boy a book named " death " and warned him not to look at the last page of the book until he dies and sold it to him at a discount of 100 coins ... days passed , the boy read many pages of the book everyday , each page he read made him curios to look at the last page , 0ne day out of curiosity the boy opened the last page and to his surprise he screamed and dropped the book.. it was written............
Book worth 48 coins

More stories to come !
Comments and critics are welcomed
Hmmm...I have heard that story...don't think it is an original work...
This is not an original one it is from a idea of my friend mithun in real life
Well, then he copied it from elsewhere. It is a pretty popular story :)
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