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AuthorAll about Demons faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Hi. At level 11 I am using for ambushes:
- full count of horses
- lots of temp
- lots of fiend
- 80% count of demons
- medium hounds
- no verms
Consume corpse talent uses your own perished troops only. So you have to consider which stack (with high hp value) will die early in combat to make any use of it. If so, maybe you should consider decreasing knowledge (-1) and putting more points in spell power (+1).

I hope this helps. I am only lvl 11 after all.
for demon ambush, use red demon.
min AP
all stat points in attack
tactics / attack / luck
set up like this
against chaos and dark
(often it is better to switch position of horse and dog)
Red demon? I thought since i'm low faction red would be weaker than DD because of weak gates.
I'll give it a try and see how it goes :)
Don't gate the cerbs, just attack directly with them (except against might de and elf, then put all troops in corner and gate). Gate everything else, even if it's just to use as retal takers and blockers. Unless you get a good opportunity to do a lot of damage.

You'll probably need to lose a lot of ambushes before you can start to win, but as red demon you should be able to get more than 0.3 fsp in most losses.

Dark demon is also good though. It's nice to switch from time to time :)
I thought red demons aren't good for ambushes because of gating. Now I will try to use them too. I think I don't know how to play red demon well. It's time to learn.

But, after all... It doesn't matter what faction or tactics you play. In the end, you will loose a battle because the odds will be impossible. Consequently the difficulty will decrease and you'll win again. It's just about where to put the overdose at. I think this is the most important question at Thief guild: wear enough arts to defeat other players and don't spend too much money fighting AI.
Red Demons are mostly underestimated and are one of the hardest faction to master , lot of good old players who are mastered in playing with Elf , Dark elf and other factions still find it very hard to play with red Demon. In one of my forum posts (https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2397252) i easily stated 6-7 Diffrent ways to play with Red Demon and still very confused as to which is the best. Even in the description given by game on red demons its stated that u have to mix might and magic for demon to achieve success.

But after saying all that i would say that this special feature of Red Demon bringing unexpected results is what keeps me inetersted in the game after all this time.
Just looking for some Combat replays between , 3 red Demons vs 3 red Demons , just want to see how much crowded the battlefield would have looked after all those gated troops showedup. Can anyone find a few Battle like those??

2RD vs 2RD ?
Hi all.
Can anybody recommend me a player of lvl 11 DD with lots of Watcher's Guild fights? I'd like to browse through Battle Log to see the different tactics and opponents.
Thanks in advance.

found here:
http://www.guildofheroes.ru/players.php?levelst=11&levelfin=11&male=1&female=1&sort=21&napr=1&cl an_id=-1&frak7=1&submit=search...&nick=
Thanks nytyn
It's helpful.
can anyone show me some battle logs for thieving as red demon at CL 17?
Still far from level 17, but I noticed we have the same troops, so maybe I can help you a bit.


You can check some more battles on that page of my warlog (I haven't been thieving as red demon in quite some time, so you have to check around that page): https://www.lordswm.com/pl_warlog.php?id=4552066&page=13

Basicly there are two strategies:
* surround them and attack fast from all sides. Attack immediately with cerbs, hope for luck and a chance to block shooters. Gate horses and other stacks and hit when they come again. Good against slow factions and magic ones. Can end badly, but at least you did a lot of damage and you'll get good fsp before you die.
* put everything in corners and hide and gate. Good against de and elf. Can end badly if there are a lot of shooters (50/50 for elf), you won't get much fsp before you die. It's difficult to put your gates on the right place.

If you have more questions just pm me :).
thx Fos :)
hi !
i was thinking about developing a secondary faction.
Out of dwarf/tribal , which one should i choose ?
Anyone ??
Depend on which type of playing environment you're mostly into. If PvE, go with tribal, dwarf are one of the worst in PvE.

Whereas for PvP, well both are great factions to play with but you'll need not only a decent amount of FSP in dwarf, you'll need a substantive amount there! They're heavy rely on runes to win battles, without runes, pretty much they're sitting ducks.

My opinion would be to go with tribal, they're a jack of all trades, also they're doing well in TG, PvP, PvE and most events.
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