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#7137 German Elitehunters

Author#7137 German Elitehunters
Dear players, this Clan represents the small German Community on this Server. We dont take any weekly tax, and try to unite all german players under a single banner to help each other. For invitation, you have to be able speak German.


+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
Geoffnete Werbung
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
Am I allowed if I dont speak good german but know a bit of it.
Just asking.

For Mods:
This is NOT a bump:\
This is not even an indirect attempt to join.
This is only a question

LOL. Fancy telling more than u need to ask to the mods
Player banned by moderator Lady Laitha until 2013-05-19 12:22:44 // 6.4. Off-topic posts. Any post which is neither related to the ongoing inter-clan debate, nor proposing a new inter-clan debate, nor respecting any of
+ for a friendly clan
+ for a friendly clan
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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