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The weeklong campaign was finished in success. All enclosures have been unlocked and every bit of its contents studied. That place was of no more interest neither to Empire, nor to the Sunny City in particular. It was time to return to the glorious Capital and walk in a ceremonial parade on its main street all the way to the Palace Square where special commemoration artifacts would be granted to all lords and ladies who distinguished themselves in action by achieving 5 victories in combats with the Unholy:


Besides, 10 most successful clans will be generously awarded with gold from the Empire treasury. 50 most successful heroes, and 50 most distinguished Military clans will be remarked in Empire annals of history:

#782Визари[16] 121
#13сева4[16] 103
#41_Король_света_[18] 101
#2301Биссектрисса[15] 98
#468ЮФА-ТИМУР[17] 92
#1271Qleg[16] 91
#104serakm[19] 90
#57vetal111[17] 90
#57Critical Damage[16] 89
#928Dreus[17] 88
#18Stealth[16] 88
#276Hot_Rod[18] 87
#302Ведьмагог[16] 85
#18Араквиэль[17] 85
#18ХМАО[15] 84
#1271Aigucis[16] 83
#57Vasily_Alex[16] 83
#1519ТЕНЯКОВВ[15] 82
#104Astronics[16] 82
#1271Minskiy[15] 82
#1254-DeathMaster-[16] 81
#6533pahahontes[17] 81
#468Fuero[15] 80
#41Гакра[16] 79
#14ProcBeT[16] 79
vBs[15] 78
#57MuscleTech[18] 77
#27мордвин[17] 76
#1271капай26[15] 76
#302Мясорубщик[16] 75
#1271Клетра[13] 75
#2302ОхотникГном[14] 75
#1271сир_Перун[15] 75
#1519рурк[17] 74
#104teract[19] 74
#468бензино[16] 74
#104_Optimus_Prime_[16] 74
#1041Dark_Daemon[17] 74
#2301vit83[16] 74
#104Титан777[16] 74
#302Ксиомара[17] 73
#2301Алукард[17] 73
#88Kenarius20[16] 73
#1512ТоММу[16] 73
#823Frakyr[14] 73
#88BATAREIK_A[15] 72
#57Дварфийка[13] 72
#18Друль[14] 72
#57ГРАД[18] 72
#57Вещий_Олег[18] 72
#57#57Тридевятое королевство2170.3
#41#41Долина Магов2103.7
#1271#1271Братство Героев1795.0
#18#18†Орден Миротворцев†1675.7
#14#14Братство Стали1558.0
#2301#2301I legion of Elfius1507.0
#302#302«Орден Единых»1458.0
#2302#2302II legion of Elfius1387.0
#782#782Темные рыцари1143.7
#4370#4370Великие стражи Империи1129.0
#5757#5757Королевство 31042.0
#468#468Орден Равновесия1016.0
#5063#5063Братство Огненного Дракона952.0
#5588#5588XI legion of Elfius845.0
#176#176Героические друзья838.7
#73#73Орден Джедаев830.0
#7705#7705† Angels & Demons ψ775.7
#6055#6055Братство Героев: 3-й Дивизион717.0
#13#13Вестники тьмы699.0
#1512#1512† Nekropolis †683.0
#2303#2303III legion of Elfius667.7
#1041#1041Союз элитных командармов империи651.0
#928#928Железный Легион640.0
#846#846†Академия Миротворцев†603.0
#3352#3352Украина. Мощь Востока586.0
#2894#2894Российская Империя585.7
#3304#3304Украина. Сила Юга540.0
#3303#3303Украина. Ярость Севера516.0
#4201#4201Empire's Crusaders498.7
#493#493Говорящие с Ветром470.0
#825#825Matrix of Worlds467.7
#2226#2226Elite angels465.3
#1597#1597Южная Гвардия 463.0
#2338#2338Владыки гор457.7
#1209#1209Any Key453.7
#2735#2735Ангелы смерти442.0

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