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Author[Unholy Insight Tournament][CL 8]
post waves scores and goood luck to alll
Attack 13
Defense 16
Spell Power 4
Knowledge 8
Damage 10-20
Luck 2

Expert Nature
Dominion of Life

53 Skel leg
32 Ghouls
19 Ghosts
10 Vamp
6 Lich

Left | Top | Right | Bottom [orbs]

1. 16 wolf riders | 42 gremlin sabo | 8 stonegnawers | 5 Liz charger [mana]
2. 4x 21 mercenary warrior [atk]
3. 12 Orc chief | 4 Monk | 12 Orc chief | 4 Monk [Hp]
4. 4x 11 Griffin [speed]
5. 1 Black Dragon | 107 skel leg | 1 Black Dragon | Big skel leg (289hp) [arrow]
6. 197 Tribal goblin | 41 Harpies | 1 Black dragon | 5 Brilliant Unicorn [mana]
7. 16 Priest | 108 Centaur | 16 Priest | 108 Centaur [Def]
8. 13 Angler fish | 46 mercenary sorcerer | 6 death herald | 141 veteran [mana]

sry, clumsy fight for me, didn't get really far
sorry again, forgot to add it in the last post:

3046 exp
2.16 fsp

18729 score
9. 141 xbow all sides

27447 scored.
10. 13 demiliches left , up , down and 1 demiliches monster right
Recommended Troops Settlement? o_0
for Knightee:

i did not split any troops to pass these :D , just clicked on the attack button as much fast i can :)
I dunno how to use Liches.
Btw, ghouls are good.
theres no way to reach 27k really ayush
for Lord DarkAtom:

what 27k i made it to 31656 and when i browsed russian forums , I saw russians scoring over 25k :O
over 25k

i meant 35k
:P some tips plz
Share the Buffs or give it strait to something like Vamps?
for ayush20:
Only 1 Russian got 35k+
Black_lotos, one of the most pro players in this whole serve
wow !!! 23k score is amazing but someone got 35k!!!
I gives all buffs to vamps it made him a war machine he almost killed half of my enemies after wave 6 or 7. He helped me untill the end of battle
did u raise ur vamp many times in wave 8?

Did u have to raise ur ghosts time and again?How did u manage to cross the mighty 8th wave.

Any answers will be highly-highly appreciated
for Lord DarkAtom

i raised it 2 times , all i did was to target mercenarey sorcerers first and i tried to take their ice clod on ghosts and liches so i would not have to raise vamps that much time
I'm here)

11) 38 fire els - 272 dryads - 38 fire els - 272 dryads (hp orb)

This tourney is the toughest i saw ever. Almost every wave enforces a brainstorm.

When someone of you will look my try, he wouldn't see 11th, cause i got a hundred points less than in the most effective try.
closed by ElfPride (2013-04-25 04:59:12)
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