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AuthorShort Story Tournament Edition-1
Young Rolfex was tired. It had been so many days since the last time since he ate fresh bread. He had been on the run after his dad failed to pay he taxes to the king Roger The Great. They had marched through forests and valleys, he, his dad, his brother and his mom. They had run out of food but his dad was sure they were about to reach a massive town which would allow them to rest and his dad could labour along with his sons in the saw-mills. But Rolfex was not interested. He had always of dreamed of becoming the poet of the kings court. He only though tabout words. Too him, his fathers leaving the kingdom that cold foggy night had been a disaster. All his studies had too be ended. The young boy of 13 was now supposed to log after fifteen hours a day for just hundred and fifty gold coins.

As his father had expected, the party reached the village of townsille in two sunrises. A few days went by with Rolfex busily shifting around putting a box here and a ladder there. It was a fortnight before they actually earned admission into a dark mine for wood cutters. Iit was a boring place and everybody out there looked as if they had never seen rich sunshine. Their face was a dull grey and their skin blue from the cold. At first Rolfex's brother started laughing but it soon dawned on the ten year old mind that soon he would be the same. His dad was grim too. He knew it was his fault that his sons were to go through this torture in their early days. Rolfex on the other hand was determined not to allow his family to work there. He wanted a plan.
As soon as his father managed to get them a job, Rolfex slipped out of the mill. He then started to wander about. He was in his own world when he suddenly crashed into a big man. He looked kind but his big figure hid his face. Rolfex started to slip backwards. He knew he was in big time trouble. Just when he was about to flee, the big man put forward a helping hand. Rolfex took the hand hesitantly and stood up brushing himself. The man pointed him towards a seat in the nearby park. Rolfex knew he had no option. He staggered behind the man who looked like he was in his thirties. They seated themselves in the park. Then Rolfex gathered the courage to put forward an offending question "What do you want with me?" The man nodded and said, "I have been following you since you left your hometown, I was proud of you out there too. I am the education minister in the kingdom of Sir Roger. I have read your stories in your school. I dont want such talent to waste away in these timber camps. But i can't help you directly, after all your father is a breacher of the law. But i can help you in another way." "Can you really do so sir!" exclaimed Rolfex ashamed that he had offended such a big minister by suspecting him. "Yes I can." replied the minister

"There is a writing tournament throughout the land of King Roger and the surrounding areas. The winner of the tournament will be made the official chronicler of the king. The king wants something his tears come up on. And you know our king never cries. So I just wanted to inform you, i hope you use your talents. The prize money is hundred pots of gold."
"Thank you sire. I cant repay you." said Rolfex who had a golden shine in his eyes. He touched the ministers feet and burst out into tears.

So friends, I want you guys to write a good emotional story (max.5000) words. No minimum word limit but make sure its good content.
1st prize- 3000gold
2nd prize- 2000gold
3rd prize- 1000gold.
The prize money is hundred pots of gold." hundred pots have only 3K gold ? :D
Excuse me i am not that rich to give away full 100 pots. I may do so by the 50th edition.
Rofl XD ok :p
Lol if i get donations then i ay increase the prize
The story has to be pmed to me. To make sure noone copies it lol
for kushagra5:
When you propose such "tournament", I think contest is the right term, you mention the rules first like.

1) Only main characters
2) One short story per person
3) Deadline for submission
4) Theme of the competition.
5) How to submit?
6) How the winners would be decided?
7) Scope for donations.
Lol they were about to come.

1) As arpit said, only mains please.
2) Short story 500-5000 words
3) Contest is from 17th may to 1st june so you got enough time.
4) Something that can bring tears to my life has the better chance to win.
5) Just pm me for submissions.
6) The winners will be decided by a jury of three members. I am one. Here is how you will be graded-
1. Emotional factor-25 marks
2. Story Idea- 25 marks
3. Grammar- 25 marks
4. Word limit- 15 marks
5. Originality-10 marks

7) Donations welcome. They will lead to increase in prize money. I wot keep a penny
You can also pm blazingarpit and narutoayan who are on the jury
Indeed this is a great competition for those who are creative and grammatically correct.

I will do my best to judge the stories.

Hi all,
It is the first of it's kind and a great initiative to promote literary part of this forum.

We would be eagerly waiting to read your stories. Don't hesitate just give it a try :)
Uhh, I think the other jury introduced themselves so here i go-\

Hi guys,
I had been thinking about this contest for a long time. I am waiting for your stories. I will make sure I introduce more editions to the contest as Rolfex grows lol. I hope you guys enjoy and even if you dont do well, we as judges promise to point out your errors in the personal mail and not here. So have fun and keep writing.

Entries opened, we hope that members from skunders scourge compete
Its been a few days and we still got no entry. Dont tell me my initiative was a FLOPSHOW
Members from the clan Hunting Lords will be taking this as an official event as their leader is on the jury
We guys have worked on a more interesting topic here you go-

The king had been sad since many days. He was suffering due to the loss of his beloved daughter. She had died of a disease not even the best medics around the world could cure. He used to skip meals and he never came out into his palace court. His bard or education minister who was extremely loyal to him had arranged for many special artists around the world, but the king never bothered.

On the other hand the bard was now introducing this special contest as a surprise for the king. He had sent drummers and messengers to each town telling them about this contest. He had made the topic 'Never Lose Hope' and expected stories that would help the king in his sad days. He knew the old king's only left life was due to his daughter, Eliminina.

So here you go friends, the topic for you guys is 'Never Lose hope'
[Post deleted by moderator Elrond // off topic]
Dionysous this isnt a joke forum. Off-Topic. I already told that eliminina died because of a disease.

Though i did like the tounge twister :)


We have recieved an application story finally. Awaiting many more
[Post deleted by moderator Elrond // on request]
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