Author | Clan member's new benefits |
These days some players do not like to join non-military clans so i got one idea which can help improve these guys membership for a small cost.
The clan will have to pay a total of 300 gold per member they have every month. Then, at the end of every month, the clan mates will get a special lucky draw ticket. Here is what benefits the luck draw will have-
16 chits- minor resources like wood/ore
8 chits- major resources like mercury/sulphur/gems/crystal
4 chits- all elements
2 chits- 100*CL exp
1 chit- 25% discount coupon on shop arts.
3 chits- 100*CL gold.
2 chits- empty.
This will interest members in joining clans. Clans can also start asking for taxes which will be unhesitantly payed by the members. The clans will also make sure they sack their inactive and blocked members which usually they dont bother to do.
Just an idea. Further suggestions and critisicm welcome |
At first glance I thought you were just suggesting what many clans do anyway, but you mean an official admin run system?
This idea has potential but I have no idea what "chits" may be and your rewards would be unlikely to encourage anyone over ~CL5, also exp is not a reward.
Would need to be expanded upon though before I can give a + or -. |
Yaah i mean an admin run system.
Deathisnear, have you never taken part in a lucky draw. Well chits are pieces of paper which have something written inside them. The rewards will be written inside them and when the player will click draw, automatically he will recieve his chit and he can open it and find his reward. You can call it a mystery gift box too.
Yahh maybe you are right that is a CL5 friendly idea so i think i can expand it to all CL's. There will be different prizes for all CL.
Maybe yes, Exp is no reward so we can actually go for 5* fsp per CL for the active faction |
Any other ideas |
I have come upon yet another idea, the player can get 1 resource or element or major resource per every 2 CL's. this will be helpful for all CL's. The tribe also has to pay 50 gold per CL of its participants for the draw of lots to take place for its members |
Also events like the olympics held by vlaer can be held by the servers for the clan. Even this idea could be converted into a tournamnt, the clan earning most points is the winner. This is how points can be distributed-
1. minor resources*2CL- 2 points
2. Major resources*2CL- 4 points
3. Elements*2CL- 8 points
4.5fsp*CL- 12 points
5. 25% discount coupon- 15 points
6. 1000*CL gold- 12 points
7. empty- 0 points.
The clan with most points after a week get say, 25k into their treasury.
The MC with most points after a week gets 50k into their treasury. |
for kushagra5:
chits is an Indian term.Many people dont know what it means you need to have a more universal term. |
you can call it a bill or a coupon seems the right word |
Oh and i forgot to add that a chit is just like a coin. Only thing is the coin will have the above written on it.
Thanks arpit for reminding me that chits is an indian term. |
This feature can boost the number of clans players are joining marginally. I hope you like this idea. I will reframe it-
16 tokens- minor resources like wood/ore. You get 1 per every 2 CL. 2 points
8 tokens- major resources like mercury/sulphur/gems/crystal. You get 1 per every CL. 4 points
4 chits- elements. You get 1 per 2 CL. 8 points
2 chits- 5*CL FSP. For active Faction. 12 points
1 chit- 25% discount coupon on shop arts. 15 points
3 chits- 1000*CL gold. 12 points
2 chits- empty. 0 points
Only refer to this. Not to previous posts |
So the less "tokens" you use the better the reward?
Also it is confusing having 3 different variables: tokens, chits & points. Could you not simplify it somehow?
5xCL FSP is far too valuable. People would pay a lot of diamonds for this. Multiple times. |
No death is near. It is like the bigger item you get, the more points the clan gets.
Tokens and chits are the same thing
There needs to be something valuable on the cards too. Anyways it has 2/36 chance to be recieved |
There needs to be something valuable on the cards too. If you say so ... but for a level 15 for example to get 75 free FSP points per month is too valuable. If he joins 10 clans he would get 750 and 100 clans he could go from faction level 0 to faction level 10! It's just not realistic.
I still think this idea has merit but you need to think further on rewards and explain it in a more simplified manner as I am having trouble understanding what you mean and am sure others are too. |
others are not reading.
Anyways for the level 15 guy, he wont be getting the same reward on 10 spins |
Actually they do, and they are very puzzled. |
Or it can be that a person can get max 60 FSP in prize and can get the token for prize from 1 clan only |
Yes thats possible.
I finally re-frame it for everyne.
There will be a lucky draw wheel.
There will be 16 divisions for minor resources*2CL. If the ball lands on this you get this reward.
There will be 8 divisions for major resources*2CL. If the ball lands in one you get it.
There will be 4 divisions for elements*2CL If the ball lands here, you get it.
There will be 3 divisions- 1000*CL gold. If the ball lands in one you get it |
There will be 2 divisions empty. If ball lands here you get nothing
There will be 2 divisions for 3*CL fsp for active faction. If ball lands here you get it.
There will be 1 division for 25% discount on any art bought from the shop. If the ball lands here you get the gift coupon.
Clans need to pay 100*CL gold per player from their treasury for everybody to get a spin.
Players can get multiple spins from multiple clans.
Benefts For the Clan-
0 Points on nothing
2 Clan Points on every minor resources
4 Clan Points on every major resources
8 clan points on every elements
12 Clan Points on every 1000 gold
16 Clan Points on every FSP reward.
20 Clan Points on every gift coupon
The clan with highest points after the month will be on the top of clan rankings.
Benefits for Players
They get to keep the resources, coupons, elements etc. |