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AuthorElement drop rate
I suggest that with each mercenary guild level you get maybe 2 or 3 percent more drop rate of an elements
20% is already extremely high as it is. If I were level 10 you'd want me to have a 40-50% chance?
a level 21 player is the only one with mg level 10 maybe 1 percent per level but at level 21 30% isn't that high?some elements aren't even worth much and quest can get hard at that high of a level defeating army 30's is difficult
i agree but it's not gonna happen lol
some elements aren't even worth much and quest can get hard at that high of a level defeating army 30's is difficult

The higher percentage of drop rate of elements will be, the lower the sale prices. So if you're thinking your suggestion will ever solve your (or anyone's) financial problems, then I have shocking news for you.

No need for me to actually cast a vote, since it's not gonna happen anyways.
for #5 then maybe you could reduce the initial drop rate to lets say 10 or so then increasing it by 2% for each level so you only get more chance when you actually do merc quest making them more valueable to lower levels?
They already increased the amount of each element needed for larger % enchants to try and address this with little long term change that I can see.

changing the drop % will not necessarily make any difference. For many elements already the gold received from selling on market is not really worth the effort so many people have large stockpiles.

There are already a surplus so giving more as drops wont help.
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