Author | The Golden Duck Challenge (Revived!) |
Lets see the challenges this new world can bring us. I declare myslef the Golden duck of level 14... |
i challenge pankaj for the gd
i prefer cg duel but i let you decide |
lvl 12
Golden duck: MrBattleControl (1 win(s))
Challenger: none right now |
I like it..happy that everybody is starting to show interest. :)
My multi won lvl 7 GD agaisnt thegreatkhali =D
Golden Duck: Imknight28 (uncontested so far)
Challenger: kushagra5
lvl 7
Golden duck: Loafoant65 (1 win(s))
Challenger: thegreatkhali
lvl 8
Golden duck: Lord DarkAtom (uncontested so far)
Challenger: none right now
lvl 9
Golden duck: barbmaster (1 win(s))
Challenger: devin_2011
lvl 11
Golden duck: Obergon (uncontested so far)
Challenger: 666beasty
lvl 12
Golden duck: MrBattleControl (1 win(s))
Challenger: none right now
lvl 13
Golden duck: _-PRAJOY-_ (1 win(s))
Challenger: none right now
lvl 14
Golden duck: Lord SV22
Challenger: none right now
Do visit this thread :
G.D. (2vs2) edition. Thanks to Pankaj_Kalra21 for the idea :)
Let it rip ! |
I was beaten by imknight.
Great battle but he was the better duck in the end:)
Dont be too happy imknight. I will come back again. This was my first duel as lvl6 with tribals.
And hey, how many times can i challenge the same duck.Lvl6
Golden Duck: Imknight28 (uncontested so far) (1 win)
Challenger: kushagra5
lvl 7
Golden duck: Loafoant65 (1 win(s))
Challenger: thegreatkhali
lvl 8
Golden duck: Lord DarkAtom (uncontested so far)
Challenger: none right now
lvl 9
Golden duck: barbmaster (1 win(s))
Challenger: devin_2011
lvl 11
Golden duck: Obergon (uncontested so far)
Challenger: 666beasty
lvl 12
Golden duck: MrBattleControl (1 win(s))
Challenger: none right now
lvl 13
Golden duck: _-PRAJOY-_ (1 win(s))
Challenger: none right now
lvl 14
Golden duck: Lord SV22
Challenger: none right now |
how many times can i challenge the same duck. as long as no one's there in the queue,then as many times you like until you win :p |
ok then..i'm the DUCk.! |
I have lvled up and the spot for lvl 8 GD is free! |
Dont be too happy imknight. I will come back again. This was my first duel as lvl6 with tribals.
And hey, how many times can i challenge the same duck.Lvl6
Will Be ready for you , my friend :D |
I wont come online for today so the challnge comes to you on sunday |
keep this alive-
I challengeimknight |
imknight not accepting challenge:( |
Hahaha.. when did i say i am not accepting your challenge..
U should have pmed me.. like you did now.. |
Wanted to provoke you into coming LOL
Anyways I lose again:(
I rechallenge you. MIn ap |
I challenge the golden duck of lvl 13,waiting for your answer :) |
I give up my duck.. i am gonna lvl up :D |
for imknight28: you can challenge lvl 7 duck if you want :-p |
kushagra5 is the new GD for lvl 6 as imknight28 forfeits !
Golden Duck: kushagra5 (uncontested so far)
Challenger: none right now
lvl 7
Golden duck: Loafoant65 (1 win(s))
Challenger: none right now
lvl 8
Golden duck: Lord DarkAtom (uncontested so far)
Challenger: none right now
lvl 9
Golden duck: barbmaster (1 win(s))
Challenger: devin_2011
lvl 11
Golden duck: Obergon (uncontested so far)
Challenger: 666beasty
lvl 12
Golden duck: MrBattleControl (1 win(s))
Challenger: none right now
lvl 13
Golden duck: _-PRAJOY-_ (1 win(s))
Challenger: labangiul5
lvl 14
Golden duck: Lord SV22
Challenger: none right now |
accepted |
sorry for repost:
tell when we shall fight. full ap rite? |