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Author[TextRPG][Beta][Wrath of the Witch]
Have you ever heard of text role-playing games ? I have seen in this many games and forum groups,so why not one here ? :)

I have decided to do like a beta version,as I have played these kind of games before but never was a game-master.So I am looking for a few beta testers. (This stuff will be played only by forum posts,PM and includes no actual/virtual gaming :p)

Application :-
Anybody can apply but you'll have to follow a certain profile which be outlined by me.For example,if I want a profile of an arrogant but strong elf,the players who draws up a good background, a nice name will be selected to play the role.

Background :-
Remember your characters background and the game story line will revolve around the title of the TRPG in this case : "Wrath of the Witch".This will be set in an post-apocalyptic LordsWM world overrun by undead. The Witch (an evil female necromancer) unleashes a power which lets her rule the world.Most creatures become undead.So yeah you will not only be dealing with undead skels,vamps etc. but also undead minos,griffins and whatnot along with necros.

Character :-
You will play as heroes and not as your troops. Further information will be posted once somebody develops an interest in this :p

Anybody who wants to apply must apply with a character background either here or in PM

Format :

Name of the hero in the TRPG* :
Age :
Class(Faction)* : Anything except necromancer
Background story (birth,live before witch,life after witch)*:
Place of birth (use your imagination):

*- compulsory

Hope you guys take a interest in this :)
Background story (birth,live before witch,life after witch) I need something like a biography :)
At last one new participant =D

Name of the hero in the TRPG* : Kushagra
Age : 20
Class(Faction)* : Tribal
Background story (birth,live before witch,life after witch)*:Brave,determined and cunning,Kushagra was what every lord aimed to be.He lost most of his family in the old lands,and he knew there were more troubles ahead.In this godforsaken world,he is a ray of hope for those who believe there was still a way to defeat the Witch.He may be young but that doesn't make him weak.So be careful when you go to fight him,its either you or him.

Abilities (which is given by me): Leadership*,Basic Strength*,Enrage*

Stats to begin with(given by me):

Attack : 20
Defence : 15
Health : 100
Damage : 8-12
Mana : 20
Turn priority*: 1
Luck : 0

Leadership => Heroes with this ability have higher turn priority.
Basic strength => Damage increased by 10%.
Enrage => Damage increases when health decreases below 10%.

Turn priority => Determines how fast you get your turn.The lower the umber the faster and more turns you get.
*Damage formula is similar to the game

*Abilities can be upgraded once you level up.Each level-up gives you one or two to invest in your abilities.A few cannot be upgraded.

*Exp is determined by this formula
= [Damage done/Damage received + Level difference b/w you and enemy ]*100

*You also get attribute points to be put into your stats

*Every point in health increase health by 10 HP

*Basic turn priority is different for different factions

Dark elves,Elves => 1

Tribals,Barbarians => 2

Knight,Demon => 3

Wizard,Dwarf => 4

Remember 1 < Turn priority < 10

Also remember Basic > Acquired (meaning reduced priority from abilities)
wonder how these will be fought:(

It may take forever with the 1 minute penalty u get after posting! Rather fight in at chat:)
for kushagra5: You can post throguh PM chat whichever suits you best.But I recommend PM..as I will have to post huge questions sometimes which will be uncomfortable in chat.
An example of how to play

You are moving through the woods.Suddenly you hear a growling noise.You turn around and see a bear ,water drooling from its mouth and with eyes red.The bear charges towards you.What do you do ?

* Attack/Use spell
* Dodge it
* Run away

You choose anyone one option and depending on your option the story will develop differently,although most of the times the end results is the same.
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