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AuthorSurvuling- Quitting after joining
There should be an option to quit once you join a Survilurgs team.
1.One can accidentally join the challenge without wearing necessary weapon.
2.Two persons simultaneously join same defense slot when both of them had separate fixed teams.
3.After joining, the player gets an important job in real life and cannot play. Even if there is an option to transfer control, you need to find some one of same or higher level and not doing anything and that is difficult to find many times

Possible problem- create confusion. But the other team members can also quit. So this will not create any confusion in team forming

I joined min ap by accident on a defense :(

has happened with me
Its like simple battles if you join a battle in min you pay for it
Secondly,it would make organisation a mess with players joining and leaving whenever they want

Its an MC event, not a simple event for random players. So confusions if at all created can be sorted out fast within clan chats. Also min AP joining, Wrong levels together can create much more problems/ confusion
Does Transfer control even work?

even better with a time frame, like no more quit when 5 mins left to battle start.

P.S. To see such a player friendly feature been implemented for future MC events would realy suprise me though.
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